A first thread and seeking some guidance please


New member
Feb 17, 2024
Hello all,
Thank you for allowing us to join your community. We hope in time that we can give a little bit back along the way too. Reading through just a few of the threads and stories we have some incredible people amongst you. I truly hope that you all have days when you can see and appreciate this.

We are supporting Michelle’s mam with her journey on dementia. We have sold our home in the immediate and have moved in with her to support. Our plan is to move her into our new bungalow when it has cleared probate.

Now, we are hoping that this is a community who can understand this next scenario.

To get to a bungalow we have needed to. Find a property requiring quite extensive work just to make the purchase price achievable. It will be a property that will hopefully become a forever shared home as we just can’t find any peace in moving our mam into a care home environment.

Has anybody had any experience / success with securing a government grant for boilers / heating systems? We have looked extensively at various schemes and our understanding is -

Eligibility will look promising based upon mam living with us full time.

Mam has DLA for mobility and diagnosed dementia.

Our barrier at the moment is we can’t speak to anybody as all of the achemes just refer you to the websites.

We can’t apply for a scheme yet as we haven’t completed on the house purchase.

So., as best we can work out, we are in no man’s land.

Has anybody please had any experience of these type of schemes or found any organisations really helpful to speak to please?

Many thanks


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Paulandmichelle and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. You will find this to be a helpful and friendly community of people who have experience of many aspects of dementia. You can ask questions, join in with conversations, share with people who truly understand and let off steam when you need to. I am sorry that I have no knowledge relating to your question but I hope that someone else here will be able to help.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Paulandmichelle and welcome from me also to this supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here and members really do want to help.

I don't have any experience of your question either, but I hope another member may be able to.
Do have a good look around the forums, and do ask any particular questions you may like to. You will find sound advice and helpful information, and understanding from members.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome to you, personally I'd contact the Alzheimers Society or AgeUK directly the site's staff (voluntary mainly) can probably point you in the right direction with a phone number or do a search for your local branch/office in your area, just put in a town name and Alzheimers Society/AgeUK and see what's available to you locally or regionally and go see them in person. Schemes are available but it varies a lot throughtout the UK.