Would moving be a realistic idea to prolong early stages?

Bassetlaw Badge

Registered User
Oct 30, 2012
Hi all,

It's been a while since I posted on here - we've been ok.

Dad is still in early stages vascular dementia (ten years now, but we only got diagnosed last year) and is still extremely physically fit and seems content.

Here's the thing. He hates winter. Is awful. It's like one constant sundowning...........

Here's the other thing: all our family live in Australia.

Can you see where I'm heading with this?

We are self funding, so if we're spending our own money, why not be somewhere nearer to family, in a warmer climate? We have nothing really keeping us here, just work and school. Friends have pretty much dropped off as they do when you have a young family and a parent with dementia.

I'd love your opinions. Does anyone know of people emigrating to warmer climes with a diagnosis of dementia?



Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
Hi Bassetlaw Badge
good to read that things are OK for you and your dad
I can see why you are considering this move
maybe ask your family in Australia what provision there is for those with dementia and their carers
will you be able to settle there yourself? you mention work and school; will you be able to sort those out quickly?
are your family close to each other out there? will they be active support for you?
maybe ask yourself - if your dad were not part of the equation, would YOU move?
I have uncles in Australia and New Zealand and know that there is no way they would return back here as they both enjoy the lifestyle they have, and the weather :)
good luck with whatever you decide to do


Registered User
Jan 20, 2011
Your post title asks if a move would prolong early stages. I think stability, contentment and good support for the PWD and their carers prolongs the stage where things appear to be steady state. However, the mental and physical decline continues in the background.

Moving house, and to another country, will be tremendously disruptive for all of you. It is highly likely to trigger a downturn in your father's condition. He may bounce back after a while. Others who have posted on TP have been glad that they achieved a move sooner rather than later, especially if they have now got better support, both for the PWD and the family.

Can you cope with the stress of feeling you have made things worse, when actually you had already been close to a tipping point but did not realise this? By this I mean that in 6 months time your father might have deteriorated in the UK, but because you have relocated you will think that everything would have stayed the same ' if only' you hadn't emigrated.

Have you come across the idea of a SWOT Analysis? It stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. You draw a grid on a piece of paper with 4 internal squares. Then write the 4 headings in the squares. As ideas come to you, write them in the relevant square. Some ideas come into more than one category. The idea is to look at the weaknesses and threats to see if they can be transformed into positives by taking actions that change them. Overall you get a good picture of whether the project will be worth doing.

You also mentioned climate. I know how the cold and dark can lower the spirits, and immune system. I am always much healthier and energised in the summer. A warm climate would benefit your father. The question is, how varied are the temperatures in the area of Australia where you plan to move? For example, weeks of 42 degree heat in Perth could be worse than a cold British winter in a centrally heated house.

I would suggest you talk to your family in Oz. I know that their economy has slowed and house purchase and rental prices are high. There is less employment available. There are rules for emigrants about capital assets. Your father would need to demonstrate that he will not be a drain on public funding. I'm sure you know all that. It is a big undertaking and there's lots to consider.

Having said all that, on balance I think it's a good idea, and I wish you all the best with planning it.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
Remember: Australia has winter too.

Be careful. Hot weather has its own problems. A PWD can Dehydrate fast.

Are you his only career? How can you have some help there? Day centres?

Idk what is necessary for a UK citizen to live there. Maybe on Australia embassy site you can found more about.

Remember: orientation is harder when you go from north to south hemisphere (or south to north). I mean, sun goes to wrong place, stars are different.

Maybe you go as a winter vacation and see how it goes. I think is easier to decide to take some months as vacation than moving.