Where do I go:


Registered User
Aug 3, 2006
Hi Connie, I feel your pain and I've been there. Part of me was missing once I placed Jean in a NH. In the begining I can't recall those days when alone. It's as though I was sleepwalking. I just couldn't stand being parted, as her pain is my pain, I ended up spending every day there. In time, I took over her feeding, nappy changing, and pushing her around in a w/chair.
Finally I went the whole hog and took her home. After a month I was supplied with a hoist which I put in the garage, she was light enough to lift, five stone. I now use the hoist.
I know the physical side must be tougher for a woman, but I wanted to share the most important thing there is, TIME. Days, months, years, watch times are only man made markers in the sea of time, we all only have NOW. I never want to land up saying "If only I had more time. Each time spent with a loved one can end up as a sweet memory.
Connie may I wish you many more sweet memories. God bless. Padraig


Registered User
Feb 26, 2006

Your mention of Les Miserables reminds me of "Bring Him Home" which always causes tears to flow as it reminds me of my estranged son who has refused to have anything to do with us since just before Mary's diagnosis seven years ago.

Why is there so much pain outside AZ to pile misery on top of misfortune?

I shall think of you when listening to Les Mis.

