what feedback to expect


Registered User
Nov 28, 2004
Hello All,
Just wanting to ask what information one would expect when going to visit, as next of kin and PoA, from nurses and staff at the nursing home? I visit as much as I possibly can, but find myself leaving with more questions that I arrived with. Staff are busy of course, and my nature is naturally to work things out alone, or to be of least trouble to anyone as I can be. The manager of the home has an open door policy but it has felt 'awkward' the odd occasion I have tried to speak to her; the deputy is very short and to the point which leaves me with more concerns because I am never able to voice the things that matter. I feel cut off and of no conseqeunce. They knew from the outset that I wished to be kept fully involved, yet I am not being. My life cannot move forward without this.

Is there something wrong with me, them, or both?


Registered User
Jul 14, 2006
South Staffordshire
Hi Lulu,

I read my husband's record book every week. It covers, personal hygiene, eating, drinking, behaviour, sleep both night and during the day. Any activities, how much walking he has done and weekly weight check. His drinks are measured and the final fluid ounces added up at the end of the day. Each carer records their thoughts on how he is, example, A little quiet, not himself, cough, runny nose and so on. The book is written up every hour I even know at what time he went to the loo and what he did.

There will be a record book so ask to see it, it should give a very clear picture of a daily routine and welfare.

If it is something that is concerning you try speaking to the senior carer and if they can't help see the Manager. They should be more than happy to speak to you, you are not asking them to give state secrets away. They are there to look after their residents and make sure the family/friends are assured that all is well. Tread carefully and smile but if you have to stamp your feet and raise your voice a bit just to let them know you are not going quietly.


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