Visiting sheltered accommodation with extra care


Registered User
Jul 30, 2020
I am seriously considering visiting my mother in her sheltered accommodation with extra care even though I am told I am not allowed into the building.It is in London. I am concerned for her welfare. I was just as much her carer as the 'professionals' but have concerns that her needs are not being met sufficiently and am in effect being left out in the cold while I can hear on on the phone crying and desperate for interaction. Of course I will only visit her in her flat and wear ppe. What are the repercussions of this legally. I have no symptoms of Covid. Can anyone advise please? Thank you.
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Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @GraceG and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. You'll get lots of help and advice here.
I know it's a worry not being able to see our loved ones in care, I've only seen my mum once since March, but going in when expressly asked not to sounds the way to set up a confrontation between you and the management of her extra care accommodation that you don't want. Have you spoken to her carers about how she is, and found out if there is anyway you can visit safely?
I really wouldn't do anything rash, but I'm sure other people will along shortly with their suggestions as to a way forward.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
A single person living in a flat is considered to be a single person household and can form a support bubble with another household, the two households can visit each other.

A single person in residential care cannot do this.

Your mother in sheltered accommodation is not in either of these situations and the management are denying access.

You could discuss it further with management explaining your concerns about your mother's wellbeing, if you decide you want a more definitive answer you could ask the local director of public health

Searching on the name and local authority should bring up contact details.
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
My mum is in a sheltered extra care flat, which is shared ownership. Some flats in the block are outright owned and some are rented as social housing. The block is run by a housing association, with each flat having a front door and being self contained.

Back in March they requested we didn't visit at all. The carers took the shopping from me in the entrance area and took it to her flat. In early April they advised that it was her flat, private property, they couldn't stop me accessing her flat (I am a key holder)and visits for care purposes were allowed, although only if necessary.

As things moved on, they no longer took mum's food up, and I started taking it in, I don't wear a mask in her flat as otherwise she wouldn't recognize me but I do stay 2 meters away from her, and I don't stay very long, she is very deaf, so communication is difficult, although she is often asleep when I call, and has deteriorated during lockdown.

Last time I was there the housing manager advised that as mum is a single adult household we can create a social bubble with her and therefore as well as visiting her for care purposes she can visit us. I haven't been for a couple of weeks, since before we were Tier 2 and neighbouring areas Tier 3 so I don't know if things have tightened up since.

I am conscious that visiting not only puts my mum at risk, but all the other residents so have minimized my visits.