The funny side of dementia


Registered User
Feb 3, 2014
MIL & I were at the Alz Soc yesterday & the session was excercise to music (loosely) & we started off with all of us holding a huge circle of elastic & following the leader if you will, quite gentle stuff. (I had purposely not done MILs physio for her shoulder beforehand)

Part way thru she said she couldn't use her left arm because it was hurting, I said it would be fine for her.

She said "No I can't. I have been to the Doctors & he said I'm not allowed"
Obviously compassionate communication goes straight out the window & I blurted out " no you haven't"

She said " Yes I have, I've had this sore arm for years"

No you haven't!!!!!


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
MIL & I were at the Alz Soc yesterday & the session was excercise to music (loosely) & we started off with all of us holding a huge circle of elastic & following the leader if you will, quite gentle stuff. (I had purposely not done MILs physio for her shoulder beforehand)

Part way thru she said she couldn't use her left arm because it was hurting, I said it would be fine for her.

She said "No I can't. I have been to the Doctors & he said I'm not allowed"
Obviously compassionate communication goes straight out the window & I blurted out " no you haven't"

She said " Yes I have, I've had this sore arm for years"

No you haven't!!!!!

You have to laugh, lizzybean, don't you? :p

I do try to stick with CC (my abbreviation for you know what), but sometimes 'the truth' just pops out, doesn't it?

It nearly happened to me yesterday when mum suddenly announced that she had 'offered' her china cabinet to an elderly cousin 'and I can't understand why she doesn't want it'. Now mum has very few belongings, but she has ear-marked what there is, to everyone except me :rolleyes: She even, years ago, stuck labels on things :eek:

It was all I could do not to blurt out ' Mum, do I actually exist as a person? Who do you actually think I am? Do I not ever feel hurt???' :(

But of course I didn't.......CC you see ;) xx

Grace L

Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
In the earlier stages ...
My husband went to kitchen (late evening), I could hear him pottering, but left him 'to it'...
But then it went too quiet... hhhmmmm , I just had to investigate...

He was sat at the breakfast bar, having opened a new pack of butter, cutting and eating large chunks ...
I said "J, that's not cheese !!"...
He said, "I thought it tasted funny".... but then cut more off and ate that too !!
(I grabbed it off him, and put it back in the fridge).


Registered User
Oct 18, 2012
Nr Heathrow, Mum has AD & VD
My Mum introduced me to her clearly Caribbean carer (I am pale and an interesting shade of pale 'Sharon this is my niece, your cousin!' me 'really Mum?' mum 'YES Sharon!' Made my new cousin and I really smile!:D
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Registered User
May 7, 2014
fun moments

I too have lots of fun and very poignant moments with my mum. My favourite is when we are watching the athletics on the t.v.Mum says I can do that(gymnastics!) I reply so can I, she says , oh no you can't!I will say that I am going to run like usain bolt down to the corner shop! and we really laugh!!My all time favourite was walking out on a lovely sunny day by the beach and singing together"you bring me sunshine, my only sunshine".I had to hold back the tears...the special moments are soo lovely! keep enjoying them


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
I just had a good laugh this morning, my husband Allen was watching me get dressed and said, "is that a blouse?" I said yes, he said "I thought it was one of those baby doll nighties cos lots of women wear them instead of blouses"
laughing I said I said, how do you know that? he said "women tell me things cos they trust me to keep a secret"

The mind boggles, the only women he ever talks to are over 70 at the day centre, :D

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
i just had a good laugh this morning, my husband allen was watching me get dressed and said, "is that a blouse?" i said yes, he said "i thought it was one of those baby doll nighties cos lots of women wear them instead of blouses"
laughing i said i said, how do you know that? He said "women tell me things cos they trust me to keep a secret"

the mind boggles, the only women he ever talks to are over 70 at the day centre, :d

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I'm glad he made you laugh and he did me too:D:D


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Mum talking about a woman in the care home...

Mum: Look at that woman with the beard

Me: What woman with a beard?

Mum: no not a beard, it isn't a beard.... The woman with a donut on her.

Me: you meant the woman who has her hair in a bun?

Mum: Yes that one. Doesn't she look silly with that beard all wonky on her head


Reading that back seems so sad. But at the time mum and I had belly laughs at the words she had used

Sent from my iPhone using Talking Point
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Registered User
Aug 10, 2014
My mum once said "I do like that P!ss Brosnan" :eek: (Pierce Brosnan).

This was pre-dementia but she's always been a bit dotty! We still call him that now and she still laughs every time we say it! :D

Nothing funny about dementia but laughing is a great coping mechanism... We have a good laugh over all the weird and wonderful things my Mum comes out with and that is what helps us get through the days..
Don't stop posting !


Volunteer Moderator
May 9, 2012
south-east London
We have neighbours who have only moved in recently and they are currently doing up the house next door.

I came home from work on Friday and entered the house to hear a lot of very loud sporadic drilling along the shared party wall (we are a semi- detached property).

I also saw my husband wandering around with an empty glass and a determined look on his face.

"what's up?" I asked.

"There's a bee in here somewhere and I can't find it to catch it." he replied, brandishing his empty glass.

The loud drilling started up again next door..

"See?" he said "I can hear it but can't see it anywhere!"

All I can say is I am glad I didn't come face to face with the size of bee that could have made that kind of noise!

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Had to revive this thread after an incident a few days ago :)

Mil and I were in the bathroom, she had just finished washing, and so I put the toothpaste on her brush and handed it to her. She usually whips out the gnashers, and gives them a scrub with the paste and brush, then rinses them off. This time, she put the brush in her mouth, so I reminded her that she usually took her teeth out to clean them.

"Out?" she said, looking puzzled

I suggested she try taking them out and see, and surprise, surprise, out the teeth came when she tried.

She stared at the teeth in her hands, in absolute amazement and said

"False teeth!!! Bl***y Hell - I never knew I had them"



Registered User
Jul 14, 2014
North East
Visited my dad in care the other day and here he is holding a bra. So funny.....maybe questions need to be asked........ x

Miss Polly

Registered User
Feb 12, 2014
Finally I have something to put on this thread, after a grim few months. My youngest son is home from uni and is very good at checking in on Mum, asking if she wants a cup of tea etc. The other night he said she had refused a cuppa because, gesticulating at the tv where there was a family sitting around a table, he would have to make a cup of tea for all these people.

The next day I told her she was going to the daycare Christmas Party. She said "the daycare Christmas Monkey?" I had to sit down I was laughing so much.

Then, another night, my son came upstairs to tell me that "I feel things have taken a "turd" for the worst." A very funny way of telling me that Mum needed changing. It's so lovely to have him home.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2011
Went to see mum yesterday. She was in a small room with three other ladies who were in nighties and dressing gowns. One started chatting to me. Really engaging. Loved my bag. It's a bit different she said. It's cloth and very brightly coloured .

Oh she asked me lots of questions and could follow up my reply with an accurate one of her own.

I thought she must be from downstairs where it isn't dementia related.

She asked if mum was coming out today. And I asked if she was going out today

And she completely floored me...oh I don't live here pet, I'm only visiting.

She hadme well taken in. Wish mymum was like that!

Lilac Blossom

Registered User
Oct 6, 2014
Oh my, I can't tell you how much this thread has helped me, so funny and yet sad.

Hubby has VaD - he was in hospital with yet another UTI and I got a phonecall saying I would have to go back as he was in an awful state and no-one could pacify him. I could hear him shouting before I got into the ward but he was glad to see me - tell them not to get the dentist, he kept saying. Why would they get the dentist? He said they tell me I have to have all my teeth out, tell them not to get the dentist! Unfortunately the staff member didn't think to ask him if his teeth were false, just assumed that they were and they needed to come out (to clean them)

Hubby has all his own teeth :D


Registered User
May 20, 2014
Xmas day

bless mum, she opened all her presents up ours on xmas day with all the fanily, some were in gift bags, which she opened and took the presents out of then put them back in saying how nice they were, through the evening she kept saying she had some presents to open. took them out of gift bags, thanked us- put them back in...
this morning I rang to see if she was ok and she said yup, there are some presents I haven't opened, I said I am sure you opened all up ours, nope, she said there are two gift bags here I havent looked at.
I suppose the good side is she will be having gifts to open all day at this rate, if she keeps putting them back in the bags!