Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Dear Taffy,

Just to let you know I'm thinking about can't be easy for you seeing your dad suffering as he is.

Please take care of yourself..

Love Gigi xx


Registered User
Aug 9, 2007
HI Taffy

With the agitation and the struggling it does sound as if your Dad is fighting very hard. For you watching it must be awful. I remember watching my Dad fight like this. Luckily we had a wonderful nurse with the family who helped us a grea deal.

I hope that there is someone there for you.



Margaret W

Registered User
Apr 28, 2007
North Derbyshire
My own dad was "written off" in May 2003, heart attack experienced during chemotherapy. We were told (not asked) he would not be resuscitated if he had another attack. They stuck a notice above his bed saying DNR. My dad sat up in bed to take a look at it and said "If that means Do Not Rescucitate I am very sorry to tell them but I will Rescucitate myself". He did not suffer another heart attack, he came out of hospital and lived another 18 months with the terminal cancer that they had told him he would only survive for 6 weeks.

Don't write anyone off. Take what doctors say with a pinch of salt. Everyone is different.

Never give up hope.




Registered User
May 19, 2006
Taffy, I've been reading along on your thread. I'm so sorry your dad has to go through all this, but, my, he sounds like a tough old boot (this is meant in the nicest possible way!). He has rallied valiantly so far. I do hope he is a bit more comfortable now and the agitation has subsided. It is truly awful to watch that, such a worry for you and your family, and my heart goes out to you. And your dad too.

all the best and every good wish,


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
Thanks again,

I spoke with the specialist yesterday and he frankly said, dad is in very poor shape that he (Dr) is amazed dad even survived the heart attack as it was a big one..... let alone seeing dad still breathing four days later.

He went on to say that dad had septicaemia and he admired dad's resilience. If there is to be a recovery it wont happen over night and that there is a possibility since dad has made it this far.

Dad has now developed a cough and you can hear the phlegm but he isn't able to cough it up so the specialist has ordered physio on his chest. Dad isn't eating or drinking and the nurses have been asked to encourage him.

Dad is given sedation every six hours and if he is agitated between doses he is given more. The specialist wasn't happy with a few issues concerning medication and the amount of fluid given so he has made some changes.

Thursday night the nurses had to get the Dr from A&E to dad as his arm swelled to the point where his ID bracelet had to be cut off and his cannula moved to his upper arm.

I really don't know what to make of any of this and a few of the nurses have given me their opinion on the situation and basically they think that it's doing dad no favours at all.

To answer hendy's question on family hubby helps were he can my daughter lives nearby and she leaves for work at 5.30am and arrives home at 5.30pm it takes her 4hr travel time a day and her work is very physical as she is a painter decorator. My son is a 4 hr round trip away my sister lives in the UK and my brother lives interstate. My son visits every second weekend so it all really falls on me.

A long time ago dad asked me to make sure if he ever wasn't expected to pull through a illness that I was to get the priest in to anoint him....I did this and the only smile I have managed this week was went the priest touched him dad said leave me alone and when he said, I anoint you, dad said and your bloody annoy me. The priest wasn't phased and dad had no idea the priest was there.

Dad's second request was to make sure he never was put into a care facility and I told him that was something out of my control. Heaven only knows what lies ahead. Regards Taffy.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Dear Taffy, just caught up with the latest of your posts.
A long time ago dad asked me to make sure if he ever wasn't expected to pull through a illness that I was to get the priest in to anoint him....I did this and the only smile I have managed this week was went the priest touched him dad said leave me alone and when he said, I anoint you, dad said and your bloody annoy me. The priest wasn't phased and dad had no idea the priest was there

I am glad thet you managed a smile, your dad is priceless.

I can only try to imagine what you are all going through, and my heart goes out to you and the family.

Take care now.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2005
Dear Taffy,

Thinking of you and wondering how things are going with your dear Dad?? He certainly is amazing in his will power!

Lots of {{{HUGS}}}

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Taffy.
I do wish life could be less painful for both you and your father. You have both been through so much.
Love xx


Registered User
Feb 20, 2008
West Yorkshire
Dear Taffy
I'm so sorry you are having to go through this virtually single handed. Your Dad is putting up the most incredible fight. It's quite staggering. What a brave man. He's keeping those doctors on their toes! My thoughts go out to you Taffy. It must be truly agonising for you.
take care