Personal Expenses Allowance (PEA)


Registered User
Apr 24, 2006
I want to bring to your attention the Age Concern England campaign to get the government to raise the PEA from a pitiful £19-60 per week to £40. Please check their website for details and write to your MP to bring his/her attention to this very worthy campaign. The PEA is expected to cover hairdressing, dentisty, chiropody, clothes, gifts, stationery and toiletries!


Registered User
Feb 24, 2006
dave b said:
never heard of the pea,is this only for people in nh's?

when people go into residential care, a financial assessment is done to establish how much they pay towards their fees. They have to be left with an amount of money, which is the personal expenses allowance, although it is just another name for pocket money really. I don't know whether this would apply if someone qualifies to be paid for by the NHS rather than the local authority though.

Here is a link to the Age Concern campaign
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Registered User
Aug 20, 2006
dave b said:
never heard of the pea,is this only for people in nh's?

It is in effect "pocket money". The rules say that the authorities cannot take someone's *entire* income, even if they determine that someone has to pay towards their care fees.