PCR test before going into Care Home


Registered User
Jul 27, 2020
I am needing help please - both parents due to go into Care Home on Monday - stupidly amongst all the other things to do I have forgotten about a PCR test until the Manager told me this afternoon - I knew to do a Lateral flow!
Do the Care Home usually provide them ?
I got home late and haven't yet asked.
If not does anyone know how this works - there's no way I could get parents to a testing site.

Starting on a journey

Registered User
Jul 9, 2019
You can get them through the post, although with the demand on numbers it may be delayed as may be the result.
There is so much to remember these days ! I would ask the home if they would accept a lateral flow test


Registered User
Dec 16, 2021
Ask the home. They will have PCR tests for residents and staff. When my Mum went into CH she had the test when she arrived.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Testing onsite at the care home is preferable for assurance purposes. Where testing will be fully or partly conducted onsite, care home managers will need to set up a testing area as described in the guidance above. However, recognising that individuals now have access to testing through other routes and visitors may be travelling long distances to visit, care home managers can allow visitors to provide evidence of a recent negative test undertaken through other means, if the test has been taken that same day. Testing arrangements are different for visiting professionals (as outlined in section 1.3).



Registered User
Jul 27, 2020
Thank you for all your replies
I have emailed the Manager and explained that they don't fit criteria for testing by NHS as they don't have symptoms so could he provide 2 tests


Registered User
Jul 27, 2020
Thanks @Sarasa
My husband collected PCR tests from the Care Home this morning and we went up to my parents ( 45 mins ) and successfully completed and put into the post by 12 noon-phew !

Now Monday.....going to need to use subterfuge but not sure what exactly . Mum and Dad will be moving closer to me and my brother.
Last Saturday Mum was so so so keen to move to the 'residential ' ( never called a Care Home ), she had liked the Manager when he came to assess them but now of course no memory of any of it.
Dad really not aware of what is about to happen.
Maybe we just get in the car and I say we are going for a drive. Just abit concerned as Mum is still very aware.
Concerned about when we get there too as she gets so very anxious about us leaving and she gets frightened about being left/ abandoned ( Dementia has returned some not good emotions and memories of childhood )

Any ideas much appreciated.
Thanks as always


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
hi @Tilly13
I'd keep with the idea that they are moving near you and how happy you are about that ... that for now they are booked into a lovely hotel which is really close to you so you'll be able to pop round .... or very little discussion ... or you're popping into this hotel for tea ... whatever suits at the time

might you leave something of yours with your mum, when you need to just pop to the shops for some Christmas extras for them, asking her to look after it for you ... make it something she can use and which you don't mind being lost eg a comforter, shopping bag, scarf ( you'll have more imaginatio) .... that way she knows you are coming back (be vague about when, though)


Registered User
Jul 27, 2020
Thank you so much @Shedrech sounds like a good idea to leave something with my Mum - not something I've thought of before
We set up their rooms today - we've been able to find a double room ( 2 single beds pushed together ) with en-suite and a second room set up as a sitting room with TV . After I'd put in photos , plants etc looked homely.
Tomorrow is moving day..... feel emotional but know this is the right time for them to make this move