Mum refusing covid 19 vaccination


Registered User
Dec 31, 2020
Mum is in a care home awaiting a review for her long term care after a fall at home. She is 91 and very frail and has been diagnosed with alzheimers, she is very confused and sleeps most of the day. Anyway the home has called me today to say that she is being offered the vaccination on Friday but she is refusing to have it. I haven't got POA but I have told them that she really should have it, even more so as there is a case of covid in the home atm. Ive also put it in writing in an email. Will they be able to force her to have it if she can't be persuaded?
Her refusal of medication is an ongoing problem as she is very depressed and just wants to die. I don't think I could bare to lose her to covid.


Registered User
Apr 3, 2019
Does she have capacity to decide? Capacity fluctuates, I'd be waiting to see what the Dr/nurse says on the day when they assess her understanding of the vaccination and whether she really understands the potential consequences of not having it.


Registered User
Jan 16, 2020
Well it's not mandatory could you speak to the gp about it f it's worrying you she's at risk due to cases in the home.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2020
Perhaps this is your mum's way of exerting some control over her life - even if subconsciously. I'm absolutely for vaccination, but not everyone will choose to have it, and not everyone will get immunity if they do. There are no guarantees.
I believe there have been a few (and it is very few) fatalities amongst the very frail, and it is debatable whether it is worth the risk in these people.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Elaine65 You may find this factsheet helpful as it explains the position regarding consent for the vaccine. If your mum is deemed to have mental capacity to make an informed decision about having the vaccine a medical profession should discuss this with her but it is ultimately her decision and she will not be forced to have it. If she is deemed to not have capacity to make an informed decision, and there is no health & welfare POA in place, then the decision to vaccinate or not will ultimately be made by a medical professional, taking into account the views of family:



Registered User
Dec 31, 2020
It really is a complex situation, I originally thought it would be best if she had the vaccination but now im worried that it could be detrimental to her health.
I will wait till Friday and hope that she has decided to have it.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2016
Well, my Mum has been assessed by a psychiatrist as not having capacity and I have POA so gave consent for the vaccination. But today, when they came to administer it, mum refused to have it and that was it, not done. They cannot physically hold someone down surely, capacity or not?

I’m phoning the care home today to see if there will be another attempt and then, depending on what they say, I might have to contact the homes GP to see what happens next. She willingly had her flu jab only a few weeks ago so is not scared of injections but apparently she was in a bad mood and generally uncooperative. I hope they did not tell her it was a vaccine for Covid as she has no understanding of what that is and thinks we are liars if we tell her about the lockdown, deaths etc!

I am now worried that she will,not get another chance and if that will affect future visits when home allow them.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2021
Hello @Elaine65 i was in the same position with my mother. She is a long time anti-vaxxer And had refused the vaccine. Somehow, this meant my father with multiple health problems also missed his. Over Christmas there was a crisis and they went into a carehome, where shortly after staff had tested positive. I’m not sure what changed, or what was said to my mother to persuade her, but she had her vaccine on Wednesday. I never thought it would happen. Hopefully , when it comes to it, your mum may consent. I undersrand your worry however.


New member
Jan 21, 2021
I had exactly the same problem with my mum yesterday. She is in a care home with Alzheimers, and everyone there was vaccinated yesterday. I tried mentioning the virus and vaccine in the lead up, but none of it really seemed to go in, and then yesterday I got a call from the home asking if I could try and persuade her to have it over the phone, and she just point blank refused. I mentioned it allowing us to visit her, and that all her children would be getting one ASAP, but she just didn't seem to understand and refused. She has never been anti-vac but she can be suspicious if told to do something....... the home have said they will try again when the residents have their second jab, in 12 weeks. Feels like a really long time to wait though, particularly if visitors are allowed again and more people will be coming into the home


Registered User
Dec 31, 2020
I had exactly the same problem with my mum yesterday. She is in a care home with Alzheimers, and everyone there was vaccinated yesterday. I tried mentioning the virus and vaccine in the lead up, but none of it really seemed to go in, and then yesterday I got a call from the home asking if I could try and persuade her to have it over the phone, and she just point blank refused. I mentioned it allowing us to visit her, and that all her children would be getting one ASAP, but she just didn't seem to understand and refused. She has never been anti-vac but she can be suspicious if told to do something....... the home have said they will try again when the residents have their second jab, in 12 weeks. Feels like a really long time to wait though, particularly if visitors are allowed again and more people will be coming into the home
I know, it really is a worry atm isn't it. I'm not sure if my mum has had it yet, she was due to have it today but I haven't been able to talk to anyone at the home. Shes been refusing medication for numerous illnesses for a couple of years now, but I've managed to persuade her to get the flu jab before. There's already covid in the home now so I'm really worried atm .


Registered User
Nov 1, 2016
Mums care home manager told me today that the GP is going to try again next week in the hope that mum is in a better mood and so will have the jab. The GP is going to phone first! I suggested that maybe mum could have a light sedative, like some people have when having dental work, and the manager thought that was a good idea and is going to talk to the GP. I’m going to try to speak to the GP as well.

It turns out she is the only resident not vaccinated so I kept apologising for mums refusal and her bad temper!


Registered User
Apr 26, 2011
my husband has advanced dementia and had his first Pfizer Covid vaccination in January 2021 but as he had severe vomiting the next day followed by loss of balance for several weeks, I have not given him the second dose yet. I have just booked his 2nd dose next week, due to Omicron worries, but am extremely anxious about further serious systemic effects which of course he would be unable to describe. I do have POA for his health and welfare. Anyone got advice or thoughts?


Registered User
Jun 12, 2020
my husband has advanced dementia and had his first Pfizer Covid vaccination in January 2021 but as he had severe vomiting the next day followed by loss of balance for several weeks, I have not given him the second dose yet. I have just booked his 2nd dose next week, due to Omicron worries, but am extremely anxious about further serious systemic effects which of course he would be unable to describe. I do have POA for his health and welfare. Anyone got advice or thoughts?
In the circumstances I would see if you can get him vaccinated with a different vaccine. The system isn't very good at giving choices but maybe your GP would give a prescription for the astrazenica vaccine?


Registered User
Apr 26, 2011
Thanks - I will talk to the GP again re a different vaccine though I dont think there's any difference in potential 2nd vaccine side effects but will ask.