Mum has started to forget things


New member
Mar 29, 2020
My mum is 90 and does not understand the current situation we are facing. She is isolated and I am her only carer now as all have stopped visits to reduce her risk of contracting Coronavirus. I am high risk too as I am asthmatic. She is struggling to remember things but remains happy in her own world. I am very anxious and stressed with the situation. Can anyone offer any advice please?


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
hello @Flower58
a warm welcome to DTP
you sound to be taking sensible precautions right now
if your mum is not concerned about what's going on, I think I'd let her be, ... as long as she is not putting herself in unsafe situations, your worrying is probably causing you more stress than you need at the moment ... and if she's safe, she doesn't really need to understand all about this virus and the restrictions

maybe keep a journal of things that concern you and when restrictions ease use this as evidence to chat over with her GP ... you could email them with a brief description and say you will be making an appointment in the future


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello @Flower58 and welcome to the forum from me too. You have come to the right place for information and support.

As has been advised, the best thing to do in this situation is have a chat with your GP when circumstances allow. Many treatable conditions, such as depression, stress, thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies etc., can cause dementia like symptoms so it's important to have a check-up. Please don't cause additional stress by jumping to the immediate conclusion that it's dementia. On the other hand, if it is dementia then a diagnosis may open up support for you both in the future.

Here is a link to a Society Fact sheet about the diagnosis issue. Just click the second line to read or print the document

Assessment and diagnosis (426)
PDF printable version

Now that you have found us I hope you will keep posting as the membership has vast collective knowledge and experience.

I hope that you both manage for the moment.


Registered User
Jun 10, 2017
Hi @Flower58

Your mum's happy, that is the first thing to be really pleased about. I'm sure you do everything you can to make sure she stays that way and is safe. I bet this was the case before this horribie virus came along! It sounds like you are more stressed and this isn't good for you, or your mum. Keep yourself safe, and well, and keep doing what you have always been doing. I think I've been self issolating since about 2005 and my son and daugther, who care for me, worry all the time, regardless of what I say, or do. I'm not that straight forward as a demented person, but I'm 65, when I get to 90, I'll let you know how things are going. Please try and smile and although it is hard at the moment, try and be positive and be there for each other!
