More than mere coincidence?

Jim 47

Registered User
Jun 7, 2008
My mum died a couple of months back ( in Scotland ), & now I'm having to deal more with the lawyer who was appointed Guardian ( I'd avoided him as much as possible before because he was SO obnoxiously authoritarian [ & now I'll go elsewhere ! ] ).
Now my mum's death has started generating more paperwork & details from her local council e.g. it seems they would have sold it my mum's flat to pay for the cost of care, but for the fact that house sales are so depressed ! - So the Guardian put some tenants in, & has only now mentioned it.
Apart from that, there's about £12,000 cash left in my mum's estate, but despite the fact that my mother was in care for about 3 years, they're ONLY charging for about one year. Which leaves me just enough for probate & nothing left over !
To me that seems more than mere random coincidence, so I'm wondering if anybody else has had similar experiences with Guardians & local county councils ( who seem to me to have FAR too cosy a relationship for my good ! )
