I've had enough with my GP surgery.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2014
I've had enough with my GP surgery. I'm very worried about Mums meds being due on Christmas Day, and I've asked via a phone call, and the local social services have asked that I should be allowed to get them on Tuesday.

I've been very let down over the past three months by my local surgery and last month my Mum was without her meds for 5 days, and her Alzheimer's makes her incredibly violent and extreamily stressed. She needs zopiclone and lorazepam amongst her many other meds, otherwise it becomes beyond me as her son and carer to care for her.

I've decided that if I don't get her meds on Tuesday I'm going to seek legal advice, and start out a complaint in against my local chemist and surgery.

I live in the middle of nowhere, and cannot simply go to another surgery or chemist.

I wonder if any other carers have had such a similar problem? I'm fed up with never being able to get mums meds on time. I'm so stressed that I'll end up a week without meds to calm down her tempers (it's her Alzheimer's, so I do understand), but I can't take it any more. I'm going to put a complaint in, and I may go further as regards legal action I'm sick of it.

Sorry to moan, and I hope all readers have a good Christmas.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
Hello, your not moaning at all, you are worried for very good reason, when my mum was here I would be up in arms if my mum had been left without her meds for five days, you not being allowed to have mums meds a few days before Christmas seems mad and very short sighted to me.
I hope you can get this resolved in time.
I'm guessing that you have complained to the practice manager.

I don't know about your area but our GP has notices up saying for us to ensure we have enough medication to see us through Christmas and the new year, which I have done.

I am sure others will be along later who have helpful advice about what you can do about this.
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
How ridiculous that something as simple as picking up meds a couple of days early should prove such a mountain. Is it the GP or the chemist, or a combination of both?

I would certainly tell them that you will make an official complaint if they don't sort this out.

This advice from Which? on complaining about the GP is quite helpful


The General Pharmaceutical Council should deal with complaints about the chemist


Just mentioning that you know how to go about making a complaint official may be enough to put a bomb under them and sort it out.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
How ridiculous. My surgery provided two months` supply which is enough until the middle of January.


Registered User
Aug 28, 2014
I had an issue with oyr pharmacy as they would only allow me to pick up her docit box on a specified day. Ie if i chose Friday it had to be Friday. If i came a day later i got a lecture. It all stems back to a complaint about prescribing error. This was revenge from the pharmacist. Thevolnly other pharmacy in the villiage had a waiting list if you wanted a docit box. One ben3fit of the care home move was nurses being responsible for all the drugs. It had been a saga for years. Best of luck. I hope you get a resolution.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2015
My Dad has been having the same issue and getting stressed about having enough meds for Christmas as there are delays either due to having to go for a review clinic or just general mess-ups. He came to see us the other week and was very worried. My sister did her nut, get on the phone and insisted on an appointment with a GP (which we got for 1st thing last Monday). I went in with my Dad, went through all Mums meds, got rid of the ones she didn't need, insisted on having ongoing prescriptions for the most important tablet and got a prescription printed up immediately. Also said Mum wouldn't be coming down for review clinics anymore (which stress her out & are a waste of time as she can't remember her name, let alone what meds she takes). So if they want to see her, it will be a home visit from now on in.

My sister and I are like a couple of steam rollers/bulldozers when it comes to protecting our parents. We have tangled with the GP before and he knows we won't put up with any nonsense. He can't stand us but we couldn't care less and on the plus side he won't argue with us now :D. The receptionists are lovely though, always helpful and understanding so we make sure they get well gifted thoughout the year to show our appreciation :)

So suggest you make an appointment with the GP and tell them what you want to have happen. If need be follow up with an email to the Practice Manager confirming what has been agreed.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2011
This is absurd of course you can't be without meds
I agree but my first step would be an email to the practice manager (although you can't send emails to our surgery) so I might try to arrange an urgent meeting or just turn up on Tuesday as you are so far away and tell them clearly that this was not acceptable practice and is putting your vulnerable Mother at risk and you at risk of harm if they do not provide her medication. At that point I would ask to see the Practice Manager. I would add that they are causing you extreme stress. Then I would say that I was going to put in a formal complaint to the Care Quality Commission and then to the other places that people have suggested. I might even go so far as to mention the Press but see how it goes.

It is outrageous be putting you under this strain. As others have said in posts before the words 'vulnerable' 'at risk' 'danger to themselves and others' and 'risk of harm' are all key words that usually prompt immediate action in the professionals
Good luck and so sorry that you are having to put up with such nonsense xx