Is it the Effect, or Affect?


Registered User
Jun 10, 2017
I use Pages on Mac to write everything. Pages is just a text editor, a souped-up typewriter. It can help with how things look and the layout, just to make sure it looks nice, but more, it helps me to keep check of my spelling and my grammar. This is vital and a big, big help for me today. However, I do still get things wrong, but I have friends who do the proofreading and double check that what I write, makes sense. Believe me, what I write often does not make sense, even to me when I read it back, but that is why I redraft over and over.

I’ve started to read and record myself. This seems to help with my writing. As I read the words on the screen I will become aware that it doesn’t flow, it doesn’t make sense, there are too many words, or words are missing. If you have a similar problem, then this may be something you could try.

Now, what I’m getting back again and again, are two words that I’m getting mixed up all the time. The words are, Effect and Affect! I thought I knew the difference, but realised that when I’m writing, I get a block with these words. I’m sure that like me you have those moments too? You are writing away and then you stop and for a second think?… How do I spell that?…. and maybe you look into space for the Divine intervention! Well I don’t know the difference between the two words. I did, but I’ve forgotten it. So, I am going to try and relearn this. I want to know if this is possible, or is it too late and I’ve gone passed a point of return?

I’m going to try this over the next few days and see how it goes with my future writing and, if I remember, I will tell you how I get on. You will of course have to take my word on it!

It these two words cause you a bit of a problem too, then you could start by checking this out….
Affect, or Effect... a brief introduction