Is it acceptable for social worker to say this?


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
Is it acceptable for a social worker to say to me that I have to care for my husband as we are married until death us do part, when I said they had a duty of care and I was at the end of my tether and could not do it anymore, as he was refusing to go to bed and I need to sleep as I work full time, she said that “he is your husband, until death you do part” we not have a duty of care, this is medical phone 111.

This has tipped me over the edge, as adult services have given no support and seem to expect that I sacrifice my health to care for him. To be fair I didn’t really mean that I was refusing to care (not right now anyway) but we could be close to it if this carries on. The message I am getting loud and clear is that I don’t matter and I am dispensable, they will just push me until I keel over.
This is a disgrace. Sometimes a person working in a position like that of a social worker are actually in the wrong job and do not have any understanding at all of the situation. I once had a visit from a lady who complained because my husband kept pacing back and forth past us as we were talking. She said, "Oh I can't stand this is there somewhere else we can talk." Welcome to my world.!!! You need to ask if you can speak to someone at the Dementia unit. They may be able to get you another social worker. I wish you well.x