Internet Dating, Caring for Dementia RANT - belly laughs promised


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
I just have to have a major RANT about me! Hopefully I will make you laugh as well

So, in my quest to go on some dates, in between becoming a full time carer through no choice, I decided to try internet dating.

One guy seemed to like my profile, said it was his last day on this site and that he would like to hear from me.

Feeling a bit down I though oh why not contact him. Even though I'm not in the best frame of mind right now, as some of you may know. My stories about my mum, and today about my dad hitting my mum etc.

This guy offered some support, he said he had been through the same thing. I asked why on earth he would listen to the baggage of someone he hardly knows. He claimed he went through the same thing. I thought how kind of him, very sweet. Maybe I will call him.

Since Friday, things at home have not been great. I told him about mum screaming and bashing things, so talking on phone was not convenient at the moment. To be honest I really didn't feel like sitting the the car talking to someone I hardly knew about my problems.

The weekend has been miserable, hence my multitude of posts on this site. I had no email contact with him since Thursday. I actually thought over the weekend I may doll myself up and meet for coffee.

But my dad treating my mum with verbal abuse and learning of his physical abuse has left me drained.

This guy emails me today the following:
your missing news gave me your answer
I fell for your sad story, which is not that bad.....
take care of mom and have a wonderful start in the New Year.

What a totally unkind person. And who is he to judge whether my situation is bad or not? Seriously, don't pretend to understand my issues and then try to use some crazy psychology to make me look as if I spun him a story. My gut instinct must have been right. Something was stopping me from calling or meeting him.

OK peeps I hope I brought a smile to you faces with my shenanigans. LOL LOL


Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
A passing blow which you must shrug off. Who cares what he pretends to think of you?? Who is this guy anyway?? Not someone you would want in your life as he will sure as eggs are eggs be carrying some baggage of his own which prompted him to write such a thing.

Nil desperandum and don't let a 'dog' kick you when you are down.



Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
A passing blow which you must shrug off. Who cares what he pretends to think of you?? Who is this guy anyway?? Not someone you would want in your life as he will sure as eggs are eggs be carrying some baggage of his own which prompted him to write such a thing.

Nil desperandum and don't let a 'dog' kick you when you are down.


Yeah that's what he was trying to do. Exactly who is a guy anyway. Certainly not worth my time of day that for sure lol.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2009
Hi Sweetmole
Glad your antennae were on high-alert, when you’re feeling vulnerable it can be easy to get taken in by someone seemingly offering a shoulder to cry on. Don’t let it put you off trying more internet dating though, there are some nice guys out there and you deserve to find someone as caring and kind as you are. Px


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
Hi Sweetmole
Glad your antennae were on high-alert, when you’re feeling vulnerable it can be easy to get taken in by someone seemingly offering a shoulder to cry on. Don’t let it put you off trying more internet dating though, there are some nice guys out there and you deserve to find someone as caring and kind as you are. Px

Awe, shucks, thank you. I think my antennae was telling me something. I mean he just kept saying how kind he was and how he wanted to help. LOL


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Hey sweetmole ( what a delightful name ). Why waste your time on other internet sites? What’s wrong with TP.? Take me for example!, Ok, maybe 84 is a bit on the mature side, but I’m a very young 84. I can still stand up by myself you know, at least I can before I have my evening glass of ginger wine. In truth my mobility isn’t all that good, but you weren’t looking for a partner to go marathon running with were you! (ha, ha.). Oh yes! nearly forgot to mention it, but I am a married man. I’m just having second thoughts about this. Maybe the excitement would be too much for me. What do you think?


Registered User
Aug 8, 2012
Gringo you just brought a smile to my face! I bet my husband wonders what I'm looking at on the Internet!! ;) x


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
Hey sweetmole ( what a delightful name ). Why waste your time on other internet sites? What’s wrong with TP.? Take me for example!, Ok, maybe 84 is a bit on the mature side, but I’m a very young 84. I can still stand up by myself you know, at least I can before I have my evening glass of ginger wine. In truth my mobility isn’t all that good, but you weren’t looking for a partner to go marathon running with were you! (ha, ha.). Oh yes! nearly forgot to mention it, but I am a married man. I’m just having second thoughts about this. Maybe the excitement would be too much for me. What do you think?

Oh my dear lovely gringo, you have warmed my cockles up no end (oops are we allowed to get racy on this site?). Thank you for cheering me up no end indeed. Shame your numbers were not the other way around, we would have much in common!!!!!!!!! But not sure wifey would be happy. HAHAHAHAHAH Would have blown you a kiss but no icon for that. Only on my iphone.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2010
Sweetmole. Well done for even putting a profile up on one of those sites.
I did it once (while a bit drunk) and seriously got the creeps so closed it down.
All my profile said was " a skint single mum with two kids and a Mum with alzheimer's"
Interests - Have no idea
What do I do in my spare time - Have no idea
Job - have no idea....



Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
LOL thanks for the pat on the back. Really these websites are hilarious.

Do you know why guy nearly got me hook line and sinker. He was waaaaayyy younger than me. I said thanks for your interest but seriously you are too young.

He came back with, first of all my mum is dating someone younger than me! Secondly age is nothing but a number! Yeah right.

Anyway, then he wanted me to help him choose some red shoes for his mum from a super designer, Christian Louboutin. So there I was saying oh that's a nice pair (£1500 WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!). But he was a banker.

Next he said oh maybe I should get her a dressing gown as well from Agent Provocateur. I thought oh what a sweet son. Looked at dressing gowns. Red silk £495!!!!!!!!!!

Then I thought wait a minute, is this guy for real? mmmmm

Or is he fanatasizing about me wearing these items?

Can you believe I nearly fell for this? I deleted my profile and picture there and then. Weirdo!!!!! Good story to tell my girlfriends though lol


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Oh Sweetmole what a horrible reply. You're better off without him.

Gringo - I love it!!


Registered User
Nov 17, 2011
I'd steer well clear of that one sweetmole - sounds a bit odd to me:eek:

Some good does come of internet dating. I have a friend who after meeting many frogs now has a nice prince and they will be setting up home together next year.

You sound far too good for Mr Red Silk Dressing Gown;)

LOL thanks for the pat on the back. Really these websites are hilarious.

Do you know why guy nearly got me hook line and sinker. He was waaaaayyy younger than me. I said thanks for your interest but seriously you are too young.

He came back with, first of all my mum is dating someone younger than me! Secondly age is nothing but a number! Yeah right.

Anyway, then he wanted me to help him choose some red shoes for his mum from a super designer, Christian Louboutin. So there I was saying oh that's a nice pair (£1500 WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!). But he was a banker.

Next he said oh maybe I should get her a dressing gown as well from Agent Provocateur. I thought oh what a sweet son. Looked at dressing gowns. Red silk £495!!!!!!!!!!

Then I thought wait a minute, is this guy for real? mmmmm

Or is he fanatasizing about me wearing these items?

Can you believe I nearly fell for this? I deleted my profile and picture there and then. Weirdo!!!!! Good story to tell my girlfriends though lol


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
I'm really having a good laugh this evening. Thanks everyone.

Mr Red silk dressing gown lol


Registered User
Aug 11, 2012
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
It reminds me of some guys I met a long time ago through classifieds in the newspaper (no internet at that time! :D). I met strange, insensitive and calculating man, who thought that they could order the perfect mate, and even one who was married! :eek::eek::eek: It can work for people I'm sure, but for me, forget it.

I think it's good that you post a lot.

Miss Merlot

Registered User
Oct 15, 2012
I met Mr Merlot through an internet site - actually went on hundreds of dates back in the day, and the majority of guys were normal(ish).

I could tell some stories of some of the corkers I met along the way (Mr Stalker, Mr Restraining Order, Mr Slimy / Militant Vegan, Mr Fetishist), but I doubt my post would remain up for very long if I did!

Keep going SM - there are indeed some princes among the frogs out there!


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
Hats off to you Gringo for being able to laugh and do the same for others?

Sweetmole- way too much weirdness going on there,but hope you enjoy the image of the shoes and dressing gown!


Registered User
Dec 21, 2008
Well at least you got a response of some kind sweetmole.

On the dating sites I'm on I have my picture put on private so it's not open to all and sundry and I normally get a message to ask to see my picture and then nothing so I must look an absolute dragon :D

Nevermind - I'm sure there's someone out there who'll put up with me eventually.:)


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
LOL I am sure there are!!!!!!! I loved your post, Mr Militant Vegan and Mr Fetishist must have been funny. Maybe you could write your own 50 Shades of Grey HAHAHAH

I met Mr Merlot through an internet site - actually went on hundreds of dates back in the day, and the majority of guys were normal(ish).

I could tell some stories of some of the corkers I met along the way (Mr Stalker, Mr Restraining Order, Mr Slimy / Militant Vegan, Mr Fetishist), but I doubt my post would remain up for very long if I did!

Keep going SM - there are indeed some princes among the frogs out there!