Injuries and inflammation worsening Alzheimer's?


Registered User
Aug 26, 2013
I was interested to read an article in the Daily Mail today: The headline, 'Can going to the dentist give you Alzheimer's?' does sound alarmist and the article goes on to say that NOT going to the dentist - and thereby increasing the likelihood of chronic gum disease may increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's. The content that I found most interesting was the claim that an injury suffered by a person in the early stage of AD may accelerate the condition as a result of the effect of inflammation: "Researchers monitored 300 British patients with mild Alzheimer's for six months. Those who had undergone dental or medical surgery that triggered an increase in the production of white blood cells (which help the body recuperate) experienced a tenfold increase in the rate of cognitive decline. Surgery also triggered a cascade of healing inflammatory proteins that communicate with the nerve cells in the brain, causing lethargy, sleepiness and lack of focus. This normally helps the body recover by enforcing rest. But with early-stage Alzheimer's it seems the proteins have a harmful effect. Professor Holmes told Good Health at the time this could turn 'someone with mild Alzheimer's...into a person who requires round-the-clock care." This rang a bell with me because this was what happened to my mother. She was early-stage and we managed by me coming round to cook tea every night. She then broke her pelvis and her mental functioning immediately deteriorated such that I had to be with her for most of the time. I had thought that this was due to the mental trauma of the break, but now I'm beginning to wonder if there wasn't a deterioration due to the inflammation caused by the injury. I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience?


Registered User
Mar 4, 2013
Auckland...... New Zealand
This is just in my Mums experience.
Beg of 2011 at the age of 70, Mum was a bit more forgetful but still functioning quite well. July 2011 having a routine blood test, showed her white blood cell count as well as Lymphocytes were particularly raised. She had a cold though, so they retested 2 weeks later. Still high. Blood was sent off for further testing and a diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Mum had no other symptoms. No further treatment, but on a wait and watch approach with 3 mthly blood tests. Mums white blood cell count at a triple /quadruple what they should be.

This was when we started to see a significant difference in Mums short term memory and behaviour.
Mum started to lose weight progressively. Issues going to the toilet, not feeling like eating. By end of 2012, Mum was referred for a CT Colonography, which led to a Colonoscopy. Mum had a cancerous polyp.
Surgery 2013, which showed early stage with no further treatment necessary apart from regular checkups.
Since Mums surgery she just declined even further with an Alzheimers diagnosis in July 2013. Thankfully though has put on the weight she had lost.