Information on the stages of dementia


Registered User
Jun 1, 2015
Information on stages of dementia please and what look for?

He'll there everyone

My mother is aged 90 and lives on her own and I live next door to her.

She has become forgetful, vague and flakey in the last year but I noticed more of a decline since my father passed away 2 and a half years ago. She repeats stories over and over again to me as if they are new.

I think it is dementia or early stages but I think that maybe I have made that assumption and making the symptoms fit. I can't get my mum to her gp at the moment.

Does anyone know what to look for in the very early stages? I did find a link on here to a really good resource directed by a to user but can't find it now. It gave all of the 7 stages and the time span between each stage from normality to death. Can anyone help me please?

I wonder if suspects there is a problem and is trying to disguise it by not talking too much? It is much harder work having a conversation with her now but she is 90 after all.

She is happy enough and enjoys her TV, reading the paper and pottering about but she never initiates anything, talks about it but nothing happens. She is not short of money and does not spend it. But if her routine is disturbed then she is anxious. The main problem is communication with mum, her forgetfulness, vagueness. The only time she talks is when a topic triggers a memory from years ago. Where we used to chat for hours that has all gone which is so sad. It is when anything intellectually challenging comes up is when mum gets really flakey.

Has any else had this with their parent or partner?
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Registered User
May 21, 2014
I found a link though I don't know whether it's the one you are after. Some say there are five stages, some say seven. I'd say that by the time someone notices a difference they are usually in the mild to moderate stages. But please use the stages with caution. First, it is not clear yet whether dementia is present. Second, these stages are different for everyone and time frames can only be a rough guidance. Try to get her to the doctor under a routine health-checkup guise.