I'm coming to the UK - Questions


Registered User
Apr 10, 2007
Vancouver Island, Canada
I`m coming to the UK -Questions

Hello all

I am bringing Ron over to the UK in order for us to have a visit with my family - my one sister lives in Brentwood, near London, and my other sister and mum will fly from South Africa to meet us there. It is important that they have a visit with him while he's still aware.

Anyway, I have some questions - I believe from a friend that Ron would qualify as a disabled person when it comes to admission charges for some of the places we may want to visit. ( eg Mme T, London Eye, British Museum Terracotta Soldiers) I will have the letter from the Canadian Govt, classifying him as disabled, and also a letter from his Neurologist. Will I run into hassles over this, or are they pretty good there? I'm wondering if a foreigner would qualify for the discounted rate? It would save us a number of pounds if they allow him in as disabled, and myself as a caregiver. It is completely true that he could not cope alone at all and needs a caregiver with him at all times in unfamiliar situations. I will be with him at all times. I just thought it may be nice to take advantage of this and show him around a bit. Any input would be very much appreciated. We leave on Wednesday. Is it cold there right now?


Do you have some kind of disabled parking badge? Most attractions use that system to determine who is or is not disabled, and although you should be OK with what you have, unfortunately some people might go into gate-keeper mode and refuse to accept anything outside their experience. In your position I would be inclined to contact those attractions that you know you want to visit and attmept to at least get an email indicating that whatever you have will be acceptable, so that you can wave it in somebody's face. There is sometimes difficulty in getting people to accept an "invisible" disability, hence the use of the parking badge (known a a blue or orange badeg in the UK). I have to say I rarely had to show it when I was with my mother, but she was in a wheelchair.

Anne: I'm going to copy this thread into the main support forum as I think you might get more responses there.
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