I have Alzheimers


Registered User
Aug 18, 2014
Hello all out there. I'm new to this so sorry if \I don't get things right. I have recently been diagnosed with Alzheimers and am still in full time work. Does this apply to anyone else out there? H:confused:Have you told your employers and how have they reacted?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Wendy

Welcome to Talking Point although I'm sure it wouldn't be your first choice to be here.

You sound very down to earth in your approach to such a diagnosis.

We do have quite a number of younger member still in employment and I do hope they get back to you and share their experiences.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2013
Carmarthen, Wales
Hello all out there. I'm new to this so sorry if \I don't get things right. I have recently been diagnosed with Alzheimers and am still in full time work. Does this apply to anyone else out there? H:confused:Have you told your employers and how have they reacted?

Hi sorry to hear of your news. I was in full time employment till last year, I left because they were offering early redundancy.
You will need to speak to your boss or Occupational Health at work, they will have to put measures in place, to help you continue working.
Its very difficult for employees to get rid of anyone because of their disability, they have to prove. they have done all they can, before they can dismiss you.


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
Hi Wendy and welcome to TP :)

I'm afraid I have no direct experience of your situation but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum.

I do know that depending on what your job is, and on what skills you have, your employers should make every effort to be flexible and allow you to continue to work. However, that obviously isn't always possible, depending on the job.

I hope someone with direct experience comes along soon.

All the best :)

Lindy xx

PS And I see that someone already has :D
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Registered User
Aug 18, 2014
Thank you

Thank you all for replying - I couldn't work out how to reply to you individually - it was a pleasant surprise that anyone responded.


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Don`t worry about replying individually Wendy. Just keep posting here and that will be reply enough.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2014
I am so sorry that you have this diagnosis but rest assured that I know that people on this site will do their utmost to help you. I am a carer so do not have personal experience in the same way as yourself. I wish you only well and that your manager/HR will be understanding. I hope that a possibility exists to transfer you to lighter duties when the need arises. It may help you to ask for advice from:
admiral nurse (Google for helpline if they are not in your area)
Alzheimers Society
Professional that gave diagnosis
Job centre have disability advisors
Just that being armed with right advice helps. Might be idea to note down any advice given as with Alzheimers or not it is easy to forget when worried.
Very best wishes from Oxy


Registered User
Mar 15, 2014
West Midlands
Hi Wendy
Welcome to TP. I've found it a great support and source of information. I especially value Barry's and Norrms contributions in the ' I have dementia thread', they express so eloquently what we all sometimes feel and are really useful to show others when you can't find the right words yourself.
I'm 54 and has been diagnosed with Alzheimers for just over a year. It's a scary place to be and I find a lonely place as it's hard to find people in the same age bracket that are suffering too. Some days it's hard to believe that the diagnosis is correct then something happens that reaffirms it is. I was on long term sick when I had my diagnosis and my employers were very supportive in helping me obtain my pension early when I left as I could no longer learn new information, which was needed to do the job. I still do a part time job, which I have been doing for about 5 years and hope to continue until I am unable to function well enough. Whether that be 2 years or another month, who knows.
Everything can be overwhelming at your stage of diagnosis, but if I can help in any way, please contact me. You can send me a private message if you prefer,once you've worked out how to use this site and it would be nice to be in contact with someone in a similar position. Take care