Hurtful Words


Registered User
Feb 12, 2015
My mum was sectioned 2 weeks ago for assessment in a Mental Health Unit due to her behavioural problems. What a horrible experience that was. Unfortunately she hates it when I`m not there and spends most of the day in the unit shouting for me and calling me from a pig to a dog!!. I work full time but change my work times around to go and see her 5 times a week. I don't go the other 2 to try and recharge my batteries. On Thursday when I got there it was as if she had had a personality transplant, she was lovely, smiling and settled. No sedatives given to calm her either. Where did it come from!! When she smiles....I smile.

Went yesterday, my god did I suffer. She swore at me several times. Constantly wanting to go home. Told me I used to be lovely to her and now I didn't care because I wouldn't take her home. Was verbally aggressive and told me I ought to die from the chocolate I was eating. At this point told her in a very calm voice "that's not very nice mum" and then shouted I didn't mean you. Normally I can manage to distract and calm her down- ,not this time. I was the wicked witch of the North!. Over the 2 weeks the unit have rung me to speak to mum on the phone in the hope it would help. Sometimes it has, other times it hasn't. What a horrible disease this is. Over the 2 and half years since diagnosis of mixed dementia my mum has gone from a very independent lady to a very sad, frightened and confused one. Some things in life are just not fair.



Registered User
Sep 17, 2015
North East
I agree, my mum has had similar episodes, been in hospital and if she doesnt get much better her next stop will be the psychiatric ward. I pray for calm days, today was one.