He's violent again!


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
You are not alone!

Hi Southlucia
Just a note to let you know that you are not alone. My Dad has been in care for a year and in the last few months has become increasing violent with no apparent triggers.
He attacked a carer this week, giving her a black eye and I have been told to start looking for another care home as they do not feel able to keep him as he may hurt other residents or staff.
My Dad has always been a gentle man and would be devastated if he realised what he was doing. I guess the fact that he has no idea is a blessing.

He is being assessed next week and the care home manager expects to be able to move him on but I don't know where to start in finding him a place elsewhere.

This really is a nightmare isn't it. I know the heartache you are going through and wish I had answers for us both. Take care.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2013
Me, too

My partner, Janet has dementia. She is coming to the end of a two weeks respite stay in a local CH EMI Unit. She has violent outbursts, has lashed out at staff and thumped a visitor in the back. The CH have said they will not take her permanently. We have a fantastic Mental Health Team and the most wonderful carer. I'm so worried about what will happen to her. She speaks perfectly fluently, but it's all nonsense. Pretty much just random words, but spoken with total authority. It's soul destroying watching the one you love so much going downhill so fast. I'm out of ideas and don't know what to do. She comes home on Thursday and I'm so worried that I won't be able to cope with her. She has got worse in the CH and maybe it's the Memantine she started 10 days ago. These are, without doubt, the worst days of my life and it will only get worse. I'm in complete despair and feel so helpless.

Best Wishes,
