Help! mum is being funny with money??????????


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Jul 4, 2013
the last few weeks my um is getting funny with money. I pay bills she pays for food now lately she has started to HOARD her money and refuses to give me any for food and it just ends up in another argument.

How do you cope with this?? I need to get things like bread and milk for her and she says youre not getting any MORE?? off me.

My bro said take it out of her purse?? I dont know last week she told my sister I was robbing her??

Please advise this is getting worse just cant cope if I take from her purse she will notice? I hate this illness i cant take much more!:eek:


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
It is normal for her to hoard her money as my mil did

If I`d have taken money (which I never did) I`d be a thief and she`d probably have me burnt at the steak

However if hubby would take it that would be fine

Im sure someone will come along and advise you on this one
I never really had arguments over money thank god as she didnt bring any

Just arguments about eveything else :mad:

You can cope,its dreadful I know and I do sympathise

xx x


Registered User
May 4, 2013
Have you thought of an LPA?

Setting up before a situation gets too bad is much easier and less costly than waiting until when taking control of finances is actually needed.

Getting your mum to agree may be a bit tricky, but as Cara said if someone else could talk to her...

just a thought...


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
Could you set up a bank account where some of her benefits go in then you could use a card as a secondary account holder. It will be hard to set up without her agreement, but then once done you use the card and she doesn't see the cash go "missing"

Is there a carer here that hasn't been accused of being a thief? I do worry that people might believe my mum...

Miss Merlot

Registered User
Oct 15, 2012
If it's just food you need to cover, find her card details and order online deliveries or click & collect with them.


Account Closed
Jul 4, 2013
mum gave me 20 euros hah! she ran out of bread(like a junkie with no drugs!)

AHA!!!!!!!! all I have to do now is hide the bread everytime!!

Will now buy food and she pays bills shes gives me a bit for cleaning as im done with strangers coming in here and why pay them when i need the money although getting it off her is becoming a nightmare!!

Christ im so happy I have money:D what a way to live!!!


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Jul 4, 2013
Thanks for all your replies BUT am back to same old same old MY DREADED family! My sister being the most troublesome mam tells her everything and of course always bad my sister beleives every word.

My mum was keen to do POA recently and is still competent now im not sure but I think my sis has said to her not to do anything until she gets home. She thinks she will run mums finances from PARIS????????????????

Anywhoo my brother is trying to talk some sense into her and thinks she needs to grow up fast!

I have my mums pin but she hides her card(afterall shes living with a thief)

I am trying the softly softly approach.

My mum only has a pension so its not much. Anyway as one thread said it is very frightening being accused of being a thief as some people beleive her.

BUT on the other hand my mum is WILLLING to get a POA also WILLING to go into a respite she knows shes not right but would rather everyone think im nuts!! The longer I stay here the nuttier ive become!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

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