

New member
Feb 28, 2021
Hi All - I am Amanda and my Mum in Law was diagnosed with mixed Dementia (Alzheimer's & Dementia) last year and we because of COVID have been struggling to get any support for her. She has had an assessment with a Mental Health Nurse which we were present at and she has recommended that we start Mum on Donepezil however we are still struggling to find out when this will start as the assessment was over 3 weeks ago and we haven't heard anything yet. Mum gets all the benefits she is entitled to - Attendance Allowance etc. but she now needs more help at home - cleaning, washing, cooking, daily health care etc. but we don't know how to ask for this help with Mum already getting this help. We didn't help her apply for this so we don't know who has advised her and what has been discussed. Mum is getting worse daily, often not getting dressed for days at a time and just sitting in her chair with the curtains closed. We are at a loss at how to support her in the best way. Any advice?


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Parkerdog.

I’m sorry to hear about your MIL’s diagnosis. It must be particularly difficult during this pandemic. I noticed that you have started your own thread in the I Care For A Person With Dementia area of the forum. You’ll find a couple of replies there which might be of help to you -



Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
You can request a needs assessment from Social Services even without a formal diagnosis. They will look at what your MIL needs help with and can offer things like carers to help with washing/dressing, door alarms if she starts to go out and is in danger. Her GP can request an OT assessment of her house to see if there are aids that can help her with daily living - extra bannisters, grab rails etc. Age UK can also arrange for things like Home Helps to assist with housework, laundry and shopping. You my have to pay for things from SS, depending on finances; stuff organised by the OT is free, but you will have to pay for things from Age UK.

Does anyone have POA? If not, please do organise it PDQ as very soon your MIL will not be able to make reasoned decisions and will need someone else to make them for her.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Here is the link to the site about Lasting Power of Attorney, in case you haven't already found it. When we set it up for my mother we went through a solicitor as mum wouldn't have agreed to it otherwise, but you can do it all yourself. Certainly worth doing in you can. It was left far too late for my mother-in-law and deputyship is a more arduous thing to set up.