has anyone heard of this?


Registered User
Jul 19, 2005
As my husband has very rapidly deteriorated. I done some research of my own. I came across this. In the diagnoisis of rapidly progessive dementia, Hashimoto's Encephalitis should be considered as an important differential diagnoisis. In cases of dementia, myoclonus,epileptic seizures and other neurological symptoms, the thyroid autoantibodies should be determined. Does anyone know about this? The most common symptoms are myoclonus, epileptic seizures, dementia, and disturbances of consciousness.
Perhaps i'm cluching at straws. but how many have been tested for it with these symptoms? or have been just diagnoised as having Dementia. Maybe it's worth finding out about.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Hi chip. Lionel started having 'myoclonic jerks' some 2/3 years ago. (Still has)

Doctor did say they could also be linked to epeleptic episodes. However this was many , many years after first symptons of dementia.(10 years?)

Yes he has deteriorated rapidly this past 4/5 months, but such is the proggression of Alzheimers/vascular dementia.

Only our own experience of course.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2005
http://thyroid.about.com/od/relatedconditions1/a/sreat.htm This states that 20% have been misdiagnosed as having degenerative dementia. My husband was diagnoised 2 years ago as having Alzheimers - was told then the myoclonics confirmed it- 2 weeks ago got told he had FTD rapid deterioration and seizures now confirming it. I have a meeting coming up soon so i will bring it up as it's only been 2years since his first diagniosis.
Yes i am aware that with Demetia seizures and myoclonics can happen. But its also with the confusion of which type he has and the very rapid decline, and the facy the myoclonics started very early on his diagnoises.


Registered User
May 24, 2006
Undiagnosed and untreated Hypothyroid inc Hashimotos Encelopathy are indeed a major cause of "brain disturbance"

Its very easy for the doctors to test for Thyroid Auto Antibodies and also TSH... T3 and T4 however even when they do test for it they still often ignore it or fail to treat it

Some Thyroid patients even on current standard treatment of Thyroxine fail to get well purely because they are unable to tolerate or convert Thyroxine

The UK has recently raised its "normal limits " readings for Thyroid tests which is leaving many patients really sick

Whereas the rest of the world has halved its "normal limits " readings and is thus diagnosing far more cases of Thyroid Disease in whatever form