

Registered User
Jan 14, 2020

We are in the process of getting a diagnosis (ct scan done last thursday) for my nan, and if it is a diagnosis we will have to start thinking now about later help she will need. Nan owns her own bungalow and has a relatively good amount of savings, but I am moving to a different county and closer to my sister and nan will want to come too. Mine and my sisters thoughts are that she should move into assisted living where she can still be independent, but I'm not sure if she will even contemplate it. I don't want to be her carer, and my sister is pregnant and has a 1 year old so she cant do it either (obviously we will visit and take her out etc, but I know it's not something I could take on).
Could someone let me know how funded care works etc? Would she have to deplete how own funds first before getting funded care? Are we going to be expected to contribute? We dont want her to move soon and then have to move again in a year or two when moving will be a lot more stressful for her, so would rather she could be somewhere where she can be independent for as long as possible, but then there is an easy progression to more care. I'm thinking of something like where you have an infant's and junior school together in one place, does that exist for this type of thing?