Frontotemporal dementia support videos


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Hi everyone,

One of our Dementia Support Workers in Manchester has asked us to pass on the below :)

Stockport older people's mental health team have created a series of videos on what frontotemporal dementia is, featuring stories from carers of people living with it.

These videos are in three parts. Each one features the stories of carers of people with frontotemporal dementia, along with advice from our experts. Click on the links to watch them on YouTube:

You can also visit the NHS Pennine Care website >here<

We hope you find these useful.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2018
These have been really helpful. Is there anything which helps a partner whose OH suffering with FTD is in a CH ?


Registered User
Mar 17, 2005
South West
I watch all three videos :confused: and as a person how has been living with dementia for over 22 years in 1999 diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and after a PET brain scan in 2003 was diagnosed with Frontal-temporal-dementia a further SPECT brain scan was carried out in 2004 these videos definitely do not in any way represent how FTD has affected my life I continues working for 8 years I still drive today after 22 years in fact during past week drove 350 mile round trip to airport and possible 400 + miles in Majorca last week but I’m always positive I’m never worried about what other people think or say I know I will never get to where you need to go in life if I listen to others.

This is only my opinion based on my own Dementia experiences :cool::)


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
Hi everyone,

One of our Dementia Support Workers in Manchester has asked us to pass on the below :)

Stockport older people's mental health team have created a series of videos on what frontotemporal dementia is, featuring stories from carers of people living with it.

These videos are in three parts. Each one features the stories of carers of people with frontotemporal dementia, along with advice from our experts. Click on the links to watch them on YouTube:

You can also visit the NHS Pennine Care website >here<

We hope you find these useful.
I have two sons. I am desperate to get the eldest son to accept that I am not well. How can i send the information to him to hopefully get him to understand what is happening to me. I am frightened and I need my family to understand. l want them to understand that I don't want to be like this. My younger son is more understanding but I am not sure he really gets it. I have not seen my eldest son for 6 months
and another 6 months before Christmas. He says I have always been like this.! Help please.


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
Hi @Casbow

Are you able to send your son an email ... if so you can copy and paste the links into what you type to him
++Thankyou but I cannot understand that kind of thing. I am only very basic. But I will ask my younger son if he will do it. Thing is they are not communicating because my youngest and his wife look out for me all the time., whilst the eldest lives in London and says I have always been like this.(Saying things. and being unreasonable.)
(Can I make the print bigger on here. Really struggling to read and write it.) Thankyou for your help. )