Financial advice please ...not deme related


Registered User
Jan 22, 2011
My friend (aged 62) had a massive brain haemorrhage in march. It was touch and go at the time and they seriously did not expect her to live but she's pulled through but is now very disabled.
She's been moved from hospital this week to a nh and triggered chc.
They have their three month review in 6weeks time.
Unbelievably they've had no advice on benefits or anything. Just tragic. I've been to see them today and gave them the benefit of my knowledge.

However I'm really worried now she's no longer on a peg that she might fail the review.

Can anyone supply any good advice. She's in a wheelchair. Has a little movement down her right side, none in her left. She has all her marbles and has just started on puréed food. Hasn't been able to stand yet.

She won't score high on behaviour or cognition .
Have they any chance of keeping chc. I'm so worried for her.
It's like she's come so far but they have no idea of what lies ahead re finances. They own their own property.
It's not huge just a modest house.
Hopefully she will get home but will need a bungalow or adaptations.

Also, she is in a place that does rehab and physio ....but is not down to receive any. Yes this beggars belief. Without that she will go back over.

Hope someone can help me point them in the right direction. I don't want to give duff advice


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
When you say "they" own their own property I assume you mean with a spouse? Because if so the house is off the table when it comes to finances. I suspect from what you have said that you are right to be concerned about her losing CHC. If she does and it isn't possible to return home, then depending on her income and assets (excluding the house as I said) will go to pay for her care, with the LA chipping in. But it may not be at this home. Although is they haven't done any rehab with her that might not actually be a bad thing if a place can be found that will actually attempt to reable her.

As to benefits: honestly I'm not sure she would be entitled to any bearing in mind she's receiving CHC. If that stops possibly, but most benefits (with the exception of state pensions) stop when a person is in hospital (which is what CHC is similar to).
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Registered User
Jan 22, 2011
Thanks Jennifer .
She owns her house and her partner has his own house.
They've been together about 12 years.
I can see if she stays at the nh on chc fund she wouldn't get benefits. That's fair enough.
Hopefully though she's going to be well enough to go home. Albeit to an adapted house with downstairs accommodation or a bungalow.

I just worry at the review the chc funding could be withdrawn. Maybe I'm worrying unnecessarily. Probably I tend to do that. I'm just thinking that without the cognition or behaviour she's going to score low.

I'm pretty shocked to be honest that no one has been advising them.

Maybe best to see how review goes and take it from there.
I've given her partner the Luke Clements video to work from.

So far she has a place in the home with nursing, not with rehab. This seems odd considering they have a rehab unit.
This was my first visit to see them since it happened.
Ironically she's in the same home that my mum, who died two weeks ago was in. Albeit in a different part.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
CHC doesn't affect benefits, still claim for anything you think she may qualify for.

CHC Is NHS funded, benefits are independent of that. Certainly apply for PIP and alike


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
From the Age UK factsheet on CHC

Effect on state benefits of NHS CHC funding

Disability benefits
If you self-fund in a care home and receive one of the following
disability benefits - Attendance Allowance (AA), Disability Living
Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - and will
receive NHS CHC in a care home, notify the Disability Benefits Centre.
Your benefit is suspended 29 days after the CCG begins to fund your
care or sooner if you have recently been in hospital.

If you live at home and claim a disability benefit but will receive
NHS CHC in a nursing home, notify the Disability Benefits Centre. Your
benefit is suspended 29 days after the CCG begins to fund your care or
sooner if you have recently been in hospital.

If you live at home and claim a disability benefit and will continue to
live at home with an NHS CHC care package, you can continue to
receive the benefit

State Pension
State Pension is not affected by eligibility for NHS CHC.

Pension Credit
You lose the severe disability element of your Pension Credit award if no
longer entitled to AA or DLA (care), PIP (daily living component)


Registered User
Jan 22, 2011
What I'm looking for is how her partner can manage this chc review now she has moved into nh. She has improved slightly so she no longer needs a peg tube but still has significant needs.

I hope her needs are such that she continues to get chc. I'm worried it stops so that she has to self fund by selling her house.

If she gets chc and can move home once it's adapted for her or they buy a new bungalow that should take the pressure off.

I could weep for them. They have such a long road to travel.

Without the behaviour or cognition high scores I'm worried she won't score high enough to keep chc

Bit like Pam coughlan case I suspect