

Registered User
Dec 10, 2009
If there was one thing I wish I had anticipated as I learned about the progression of Alzheimer's. it would have been regards falls. I chose to learn in my own way. My wife had a number of falls before I realised that she lost her 'spatial awareness': meaning she lost the ability to judge distances and heights. On reflection had I been more aware, I may have prevented the fall that landed her in hospital. Everything after that, was down hill.

Now I'm more acutely aware what it must be like to suffer so. In the past few days after my recent falls, I suffer with double vision. Yesterday my GP arranged an urgent appointment at A&E for me.
After five hours I'm told my eyes are OK and was given glasses to wear, with a patch on one lens. Now I know the scary feeling of seeing two of everything. I'm told to expect it to get better and attend a special appointment in three weeks time. To type this I have to be close up to the screen.

Now I have some idea of what it like in a world where people and objects move up and down in twos and can't judge distances.

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
If there was one thing I wish I had anticipated as I learned about the progression of Alzheimer's. it would have been regards falls. I chose to learn in my own way. My wife had a number of falls before I realised that she lost her 'spatial awareness': meaning she lost the ability to judge distances and heights. On reflection had I been more aware, I may have prevented the fall that landed her in hospital. Everything after that, was down hill.

Now I'm more acutely aware what it must be like to suffer so. In the past few days after my recent falls, I suffer with double vision. Yesterday my GP arranged an urgent appointment at A&E for me.
After five hours I'm told my eyes are OK and was given glasses to wear, with a patch on one lens. Now I know the scary feeling of seeing two of everything. I'm told to expect it to get better and attend a special appointment in three weeks time. To type this I have to be close up to the screen.

Now I have some idea of what it like in a world where people and objects move up and down in twos and can't judge distances.

Padraig, am sorry to read of problem with your vision, did they say what it is? I sympathise, one of my early symptoms was double vision. I always take a stick out with me, with a anti-shock end to help me judge distances and heights of steps etc, as well as support.

Take it easy as you can and hope you get improvement as they have suggested, as soon as possible.

Best wishes


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
The Sweet North
I'm sorry you are having this added difficulty Padraig, but it's good to know that it is expected to get better. My husband shows signs of impaired spatial awareness when attempting to sit on a chair. He tends to sit down on an angle, and I have to turn him slightly so that his back is to the chair. I encourage him to only sit when he can feel the chair behind both legs, but I think he tries to sit while still being able to see what it is he is sitting on -- not a good idea!


Registered User
Nov 27, 2014
No matter how kind and caring we try to be it is never possible to know how it is actually is for someone until we've experienced it so thank you Padraig and Sue for this insight although I'm very sorry you both are having problems.
My husband takes forever to sit down so looking back I guess he has had this problem about spatial awareness for a long time and that makes sense about a lot of things. It makes me feel sad that he struggles with things I have little conception of.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2013
British Isles
Sorry to read of your latest problem Padraig - I do hope that it starts to improve soon. Your wife always had you to help her if she did fall. Sadly she can't be there to help you now so please do be extra careful. Perhaps try to ensure you always have a mobile phone in your pocket/by your bedside etc, just in case?

Take care.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2009
Thank you all for your kind responses. Sorry, I don't have a mobile phone, but I'll make progress. What will be will be. Just another of life's challenges. My aim is to get back running as I like to keep control of my life.

Like many of the lessons I learned along the Alzheimer's road the loss of special awareness came and went till it was finally gone. The first signs came when my wife was stood frozen with fear on the top of the stairs. I rushed up to assist her down, but to no avail. I then escorted to the bedroom and promised to be up later after I cooked lunch. The next thing I knew she was standing behind me in the kitchen! However, by then I came to recognise the beginning of the end of her ability to walk safely on her own.

All changes of her daily life came sudden, the disappeared to return in a stop start manner. She was capable of dressing herself, though at times in strange ways. When she wore two odd coloured socks, I remarked: "You have another pairs of those." Once she wore a pair of my w fronts in addition to her own underway. I'd spent a considerable time searching for that new pair I had purchased.

There were many sudden shocks along the way. The biggest was when I went to keep a eye on her while I cooked a meal. Suddenly she appeared all smiles: "Where have you been?" "I just popped out to buy a cake." She said. Yea, I though, but went along with her: "Can I see it?" Imagine the shock when she produced a lovely large cake. She had driven the eight miles to town. That was her last drive.