falling out of bed - no longer mobile


Registered User
Aug 28, 2015
I was hoping for a bit of advice. I am new to this forum so apologies if I have posted incorrectly.

My nan had a stroke 3 months ago and has since developed dementia. The stroke means she is no longer mobile as she has no use of her left leg, but when she is confused, she often thinks she is going somewhere and tries to get out of bed.

She was in hospital for 3 months and yesterday moved into a home. As she is high risk of climbing they will not put bed rails on her bed so she has a low bed with crash mats each side. Whilst she was in hospital, she had rails on her bed and never fell out (as far as we are aware).

Tonight we received a phone call to say she was fine but she had fallen out of bed. We are not sure if this was when she was asleep or awake. Although she fell onto the crash mat we are concerned that if she is not found quite quickly there is a danger that she could roll or try again to get out of bed and hit her head on the furniture next to the crash mat. Also being quite frail everyone knows how easy it is for an elderly person to bruise or break a bone.

We all all worried, seeing as this has already happened and its only her second night.

Has anyone got any ideas that could help in this situation?

Thank you x

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