Evening carer- do I persevere?


Registered User
Jan 28, 2012
Morning all

I need advice please.

We are having a carer in the evening, just to put mums nighty on, no wash , just night clothes on.

Every evening so far,she's resisted, shouted, screamed wont let them do it. It doesn't seem to get much better even if I'm in the room.

As soon as its finished she calms down, and when you ask her ( I know, silly thing to do) why she kicks up a fuss, she looks at you like you're mad()

Do I persevere or cancel them? The social worker said give it 6/8 weeks for her to get used to it, but do I just cancel and grit my teeth every evening?

Btw, we've had a bit of rain here


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
Persevere I am afraid, as we all know this only gets worse and if she can get used to this, as she needs more care as time progresses, and this could be a painful investment in getting her used to other people helping.

Sorry. Hard I know.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I would persevere. My mum did not like Carers to begin with. We persevered and eventually she came round. She called them her home helps (even though she lived with us).


Registered User
Jun 16, 2013
Hope you can persevere with it, might take time. If I were you I would keep away so that she doesn't see you as an alternative and play-up with them to try and get you to do it.

I had to get our lunchtime carer in recently to do some "getting ready for bed" times as it was getting too tough for me, the anger and non-cooperation. Worked a treat and we have ended up with a much quicker and more business-like routine and no calling back half a dozen times afterwards :)