

Registered User
Dec 14, 2015
My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers 7 years ago and originally accepted the diagnosis. I am at the stage where I can no longer leave him as, despite leaving notes, he goes to my neighbours looking for me and the other day he left the keys in the door on the inside so could not get in with my neighbours key. It was lucky my neighbours were in as they are normally at work. I am now in the process of having to arrange care so I can go out, however, he is now in complete denial and insists there is nothing wrong with him. So how do I go about trying to get someone to be with him?


Registered User
Jul 20, 2011
great contacts from Cat
Do you mean how do you persuade him to accept someone? My Ma was in denial to the end - it was me who had memory loss, and everyone else kept forgetting things! She also didn't want to accept care - I told her many little stories eg a friend needed somewhere to sit for a couple of hours and I needed to go out would she look after him/her or they've had a problem with their heating and need to stay while the boiler is sorted out. It took her 6 weeks to get used to one sitter so it is really important that whoever you use is regular and not swapping around or you will run out of stories and he will get very frustrated.

If it is someone who will play a game or look at stuff he is interested in or engage him in some positive way then you might have an easy ride.

I think when you have memory loss it is quite natural to think that everyone else is being totally ridiculous :)