Dad Yelling


New member
Mar 6, 2021
My Dad is now yelling at all of the staff at his nursing home. Nothing we say comforts him. It can be non-stop. Has anyone faced this? Thank you.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hello @Crobbins welcome to Dementia Talking Point.

When my dad first went into his carehome he shouted and swore a lot which was completely out of character for him. He also threw drinks at people!! Eventually he settled down though. Has your dad been in his nursing home long?


Registered User
May 21, 2018
Hello @Crobbins

Sorry to read that your Dad is yelling at the staff. It's upsetting when a loved one seems so distressed, As @Bunpoots mentioned, it could be that he is still settling in if he has not been there long.

My mum has often shouted and screamed, threatened staff and I'm afraid sometimes inflicted minor injuries. The staff at your Dad's nursing home will hopefully be looking for triggers (personal care is often a trigger for aggression, for example) and seeing if they can do things in a different way or at different times. They should also be looking for signs of infection, particularly urine infection, although it can be difficult to get a urine sample if someone is very agitated. They should also be looking for signs that he is in pain, which can also cause aggression. It could be that your Dad needs a review of his medication to address anxiety/aggression, so it is worth asking about that.

If it's a sudden change in behaviour, infection is a likely cause so worth checking out.
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Registered User
Dec 24, 2020
Yes, my dad use to keep calling and shouting and at the staff. His medication has been increased and now he is settled and happier it’s much less. The consultant said to us it can be because they are confused, scared or damage has occurred to that area of the brain. Just remember it’s not them, it’s the dementia. I got my dad a dementia toy in the shape of a dog. He takes it everywhere, even to bed. Even today, if he is scared he’s been having horrible nightmares he will call agitated and shouting.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
I hope you find an answer to this - it's very distressing. The man in the room next to my mum's was 'a shouter' and there were a couple of others in the lounge who often shouted out too.

I found it incredibly upsetting. Mum's neighbour would call out constantly whilst I was visiting her in her room - 'Get off me! Aaaagh! Aaaagh! Police! Help! Get away! **** off!' - all at considerable volume. He was bedbound and rarely opened his eyes.

For me it was like being in an asylum. Mum, on the other hand, would say, 'That bloke next door never stops singing!' It was a relief for me that she wasn't as upset as I was.

Please call in the GP or whoever. Shouting like this is caused by anxiety, fear and distress - there are medications that can help...

(Apologies if my post causes offence.)