Cop 1 form help


New member
Jun 12, 2018
Hi I need to get deputiship for my Dad as his abusive partner left once the LA wanted to see his financial stuff.
I tried to move in with him to look after him but he became aggressive,his mental health worker seems to feel his house is also triggering some behaviours,so I've found him a nice care home but I've no access to his savings or able to sell his home to pay for fees

The Cop 1 form asks you to inform relatives,now my Dad is still married to my mum,but have been separated for 20 years plus,and I'm having a hard time contacting her,do I have to put her on the form ?

Also my brother passed away many years ago and his children were legally adopted by his ex partners New husband ,do i put them on the form ?

Sorry to sound so dumb ,but I'm totally stressed with all of it not just the forms,as you'll all know it's a hell of journey to be on ,but any help would be gratefully received


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I dont think you have to put any of those on the form. When I applied for deputyship for my mum I just put my brother (her son) and my children (her grandchildren) on the form. I didnt bother with her nephews and nieces and if it has been so long since your dads separation I dont think that is necessary either (especially if you dont know her address)


New member
Jun 12, 2018
I dont think you have to put any of those on the form. When I applied for deputyship for my mum I just put my brother (her son) and my children (her grandchildren) on the form. I didnt bother with her nephews and nieces and if it has been so long since your dads separation I dont think that is necessary either (especially if you dont know her address)

Thanks for the reply.
The adopted children are his grandchildren by blood,but now legally someone else is their dad as my brother died,he also had a daughter from a previous marriage who's name I will put down,but I've read if you name one grandchild you name them all ?
I thought I would have had to inform my mother as she is still married to him,but last she told me was she'd had a fall ( MS) so gone to stay at boyfriends,no forward address,but hasn't given up her flat as she was planning to go home,but I've not been able to contact her in months

And also can I ask for interim ? So I could get on with moving things along ?

Social worker has told me to ask for a non capacity loan when they do the financial assessments but guessing this will also add on charges,costing Dad more when he's going to need every penny for his care.

Feeling a little overwhelmed with it all :(


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
If you are still not sure then I would recommend that you send the Office of Public Guardians an email
It will probably take them a couple of days to reply, but I have always found them very helpful. If you need an answer more urgently then you could phone - 0300 456 0300
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 10am to 5pm
Beware though, that there is often a queue.