Cleaning / Urine / refusing to use toilet


Registered User
Jan 2, 2013
Dads had dementia for a number of years now. We manage to get him to the toilet most days but he mainly wants to go anywhere he can.
Main problem is in the night and he'll just go anywhere. Argumentative and refuses any help.
The house stinks of urine. I clean the carpets regularly but wondered if anyone else had any tips on how we can get rid of the urine smell.
Or if there was any tips about having a space he could wee regularly that wasn't the toilet and how to manage it.
Sounds crazy but just thinking how best to manage it... any ideas would be great


Registered User
Apr 24, 2013
I was given two bottles of Wee Away by a neighbour who had this problem. In fact I never got around to using it though she said it was excellent. I bought an electric shampooer. Worth every penny. Mostly I took my husband to the toilet at regular intervals and encouraged him to sit down rather than pee standing up. This meant that he often did more than just a pee so I didn’t have much of a problem with faecal incontinence.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
He maybe forgetting where to go. You could try putting a mat alarm by his bed so that it wakes you and you can take him to the toilet. If you try and organise somewhere else for him to go at night, then Im afraid that he just wont remember.

Ive used a pet sanitiser/deodorant (available from pet shops). Its supposed to deal with pet "accidents" but works just as well with people to get rid of the smell. I would also recommend zoflora disinfectant for washing clothes and bedding that smell or urine
I have a steam mop for cleaning and it is wonderful.


Registered User
I had this issue when caring for my late mum.

The best thing that worked for me in cleaning urine from carpets is what a lot of cat pet owners do in their own homes. Fill it up an empty spray bottle with Soda Water (the fizzy stuff like Schweppes, but I always used cheap supermarket brands), spray the affected area of carpet (but do not drench), then get some old clean towels, place the towels over the affected area and step on the towels. When you lift the towel you will see the urine stain lifts from the carpet. You keep doing this until you have lifted the complete stain.

Please note I had to do this on a continuous basis, and it also had the effect of removing the smell. It is a lot of work but worth it.

Hope this helps,



Registered User
Jan 7, 2015
North West
I am managing this problem with my OH by having a bucket on a chair right by his bed. The chair takes up all of the walking room beside the bed so he cannot miss it. I put one puppy sheet on the chair and one under the chair and mostly this works. With my OH it seems as though he is too slow to get to the bathroom. I also have a motion light by the bed which comes on when he gets out of bed.

He is resistant to the bucket in the morning when he is brighter and it is lighter but in the middle of the night I think he is relieved (lol) to see it.

During the day it is just vigilance. Any walking about probably means he wants the toilet. If I want to go into another room or upstairs I take him to the toilet first. It is a mighty problem which threatens to break me. Hope this helps.