CHC (Continuing Healthcare) support thread


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
Please get advice from an organisation able to help you get justice for your Dad and complain formally about what seems the shocking behaviour of this assessor.

I'd strongly suggest any / all of the alternatives:-

- phoning the Alzheimers Helpline (or any of the other charity Helplines that deal with CHC applications - eg CareUK, Help The Aged, etc)

- reading the free Navigational Tools available on B***** Healthcare's website and taking up their offer of free 90 minutes advice with a case worker

- working through the Care To Be Different website information and case studies.

Good luck!


Registered User
Mar 11, 2012
- reading the free Navigational Tools available on B***** Healthcare's website and taking up their offer of free 90 minutes advice with a case worker

Forgive my ignorance, but who is B***** Healthcare? Please PM me, if you can't write the name on TP.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
Hi Spiro

Have sent a series of messages to you about the same topic - plse let me know whether you received any (all).


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
Hi AlsoConfused. If you have found websites useful personally, there is nothing in the TP Terms and Conditions to stop you telling other members this. I presume that both the websites are commercial enterprises, the second one certainly is. There looks to be a lot of useful free info there but I don't think I would ever pay someone £29.97 for an e-book however good it was, but people have that choice.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
Pete, you've got the right site!

I'm a bit muddled about what I can and can't say when mentioning "brand name" organisations (other than charities) that I've found to be useful. I definitely thought our Mods didn't want me to identify the site-what-you've-mentioned-by-name. It's a very well respected social enterprise, not a charity. I kept on being referred to that site whenever I contacted organisations like Parkinson's, Carers UK, Help The Aged, etc.


Registered User
May 28, 2014

Hi All...i have a question that perhaps someone can answer.... For the purposes of a MDT can a Care co-ordinator and the assessor be the same person?

I am currently doing an appeal regarding an assessment, so i may be able to give some input to this thread.

Pete R

Registered User
Jul 26, 2014
Hi All...i have a question that perhaps someone can answer.... For the purposes of a MDT can a Care co-ordinator and the assessor be the same person?

I am currently doing an appeal regarding an assessment, so i may be able to give some input to this thread.
From looking at the national framework it appears they can be same person as long as there is another health professional present.

30.1 ‘Multidisciplinary team’ (MDT) has many meanings but in the context of NHS continuing healthcare the Standing Rules Regulations define a ‘multidisciplinary team’ as:
‘(i) two professionals who are from different healthcare professions, or
(ii) one professional who is from a healthcare profession and one person who is responsible for assessing individuals for community care services under section 47 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990’.
30.2 Whilst as a minimum requirement an MDT can comprise two professionals from different healthcare professions, the Framework makes it clear that the MDT should usually include both health and social care professionals, who are knowledgeable about the individual’s health and social care needs.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
I am currently doing an appeal regarding an assessment, so i may be able to give some input to this thread.

I'm sure people would find that very helpful Porfan. As many people are turned down, the appeals process is clearly of considerable interest.


Registered User
May 28, 2014
I'm sure people would find that very helpful Porfan. As many people are turned down, the appeals process is clearly of considerable interest.

Thanks to all who have replied.

I will do a few posts on this soon....i just cant believe the way the CHC i am dealing with goes about this.... i have even sent in a SAR and they have not released the documentation within the 40 days, which is a statutary requirement. Anyway more soon.


Registered User
May 28, 2013
I'm sorry if this has been asked before but if a person is self funding can I still ask for a CHC assessment. Thanks.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
CHC Funding review

Can anyone tell me what is supposed to happen at the annual review for CHC funding to be continued?

My mother is currently CHC funded at home. We had an assessor come to do a review which has now been put off till the end of January to see how my mother responds to a change in her medication.

When I had the first assessment with the Decision Support Tool, I was allowed to follow it through with the DST document as the assessor was writing it. There was a social worker present and some of the carers who happened to be there at the time were also involved.

This time, the assessor just wrote on her laptop and didn't tell me what she was putting or the scores she was giving. I was a bit unprepared myself and hadn't thought to get the first completed DST document out which had been sent to me after funding was granted. I was more or less told at the time of the first assessment that Mum would get it.

I am concerned whether the process is being followed correctly. Can anyone throw any light on this? Should any other health care professional be involved? After the review, the assessor rang a palliative care nurse who has been involved in Mum's care for some information. I think she should have been present to give her views.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
I'd instinctively suppose the Review process should mirror the CHC /DST process that preceded it ... what you've experiences sounds wrong to me.

If TP members can't advise there'll be documentation somewhere that explains what's supposed to happen. Good luck!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I agree with AlsoConfused that before the agreed care package is either increased or decreased there should be a formal checklist/DST carried out.

If however nobody is saying that an increased package is needed and the assessor decides that there are no obvious signs that the existing package is excessive I see little point in going through the whole procedure.

The call to the palliative care nurse may have been to check whether if the care package was removed it was likely that a fast track application would be made. This obviously could not be made unless a DST had withdrawn CHC and as a fast track application is automatically approved the whole exercise would have been a waste of effort. The statistics about types of CHC would however be false.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
My supposition would be the same. I've seen references to review 'hearings' which certainly suggests it should be an open process. I would be inclined to ask directly about the process, and sooner rather than later. I hope someone with experience of reviews will be along.