Can I Object to Moving Mum to EMI Unit in same care home?


Registered User
Aug 11, 2011
Normally I visit mum every day but haven't seen her in any meaningful way for 7 months due to Covid restrictions. Her deterioration during this time is clear but now the home is arranging to move her upstairs to the EMI unit. It seems I have no say in the matter (no Power of Attorney). Am I allowed to object to the move?


Registered User
Jun 12, 2020
Without POA I fear that you don't have the last word on any such decision. In any case the allocation of accommodation is the manager's responsibility rather than that of relatives. If there is a really compelling reason to oppose the move you might write to the manager setting out case, or ask the card quality commission to investigate. If not you may have to accept it.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @Lynpin, have you spoken to the manager as to why they are making this move? I assume they feel her needs would be best met in the unit. I do have power of attorney for my mother and her care home moved her from one floor to another last year (pre covid). They spoke to me about the reasons for the move and why they thought it best, and I agreed as it did seem in her best interests. I'm not sure if I had objected what would have happened. As it is the move seems to have been a good one. She is much more settled on her new floor.
I'm sure others who've been in a similar situation will be along soon with their experiences.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2018
When my Mum moved from Residential to EMI it was a difficult time for us. It is a very clear sign of things getting more difficult, which is hard.
Mummy was moved because her behaviour was getting harder to manage - agitation, falls etc and the EMI Unit had a slightly better staff to resident ratio - this is often the case in homes. Initially it took Mummy a few weeks to settle and it is harder not being able to visit.
I think for Mummy, EMI, with an easier physical environment for hoisting, personal care etc and being with others who were similar, and therefore not upset or bothered by her behaviour, was what she needed. She still had activities and was very fond of the staff.
It is so hard at the moment not being able to visit, maybe have a chat with the manager about why this is happening? Initially I was upset when Mummy moved. Change is always hard but I think it was better for her in the long run.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @Lynnpin

My dad was taken straight to an EMI home after a stay in hospital. At first I was horrified as everyone seemed so much worse than him but after a few weeks I realised that it was a good place for dad to be, and the other residents weren’t really worse, I’d just become used to dad’s behaviour and knew what to expect from him whereas the others were unpredictable for me.

The staff, however, knew exactly how to deal with each of them and managed, in spite of all the challenges, to run a happy home. Dad was as happy as he could be, and happier than he had been trying to be “normal” at home. You may find, as I did, that this will be a positive move.

As @Sarasa suggests - ask why they feel the move is necessary. It might put your mind at rest.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
You should be able to ask the care home why the move is being considered and how this will be in your mum's best interests. Do so with an open mind as - from what others have said - a move to such a unit might be beneficial. What is the basis for your objection? I would be surprised if the care home is making the move without a proper assessment of your mum's needs. See how you feel after a constructive conversation with the manager or other senior staff member.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2011
Thanks everyone for your replies. I've calmed down a bit since yesterday and just decided to accept it.

I realise that everyone gets worse eventually but I'm still of the opinion that it's lockdown syndrome and not a natural dementia deterioration. Mam has been obstructing doorways and standing in one place for a long time and refusing to move. She threw/pushed her walker away and other residents are complaining about her. I can understand both sides of the argument but not being able to see what is happening for myself is just making it all so much worse. What if me being there every day stopped this from happening? I'll never know as I can't go.