
Registered User
Apr 16, 2008
Devon, England
I visited a care home today to give one of my patients chiropody treatment and spotted a notice in reception giving details of a website:
Haven't had time to give it more than a cursory glance but thought I'd mention it here in case there's info on it that might be of use to anyone here. I expect most of you know about it already. I think the notice said the site was being re-launched.

While I was treating my patient I overheard a conversation in the corridor outside her room where a lady was getting rather anxious because she was convinced someone had taken her handbag and almost seemed to be accusing the carers. She was advised to phone her daughter (phone in corridor) and from the one sided conversation I heard it became clear that she hadn't had it taken and that her daughter had all her credit cards that she insisted were in the missing bag. I had a sudden thought that if I was a visitor and didn't have experience of someone with dementia and heard the lady's accusations then I might be a bit concerned about the carers in that home! It actually seems like quite a good home and one I would consider for my mum when she gets to that stage. Not all the residents there have dementia and I might be making assumptions about the lady, but I don't think so.

My patient there is a lovely lady who has gone downhill a bit lately though seemed quite with it today. Last time I went she had an infection and I was treated to a wonderful story - all complete fantasy - which went along the lines of:
"This place has a new owner you know. He's a Muslim. I'm a Muslim too (I'd put her as C of E if anything - very well spoken, WI type of lady). "I became a Muslim when my mother went to Persia as a Lady in Waiting when one of Queen Victoria's daughters married the Shah. (That's one the history books seem to have missed!) I was only a baby then of course (she's 91!!). I married a Muslim. He was called Mr Paul (Paul is her son's name) and actually I'm Lady Paul, but the rank and file round here don't know that. I was raped you know." [Good heavens, says I, was that a long time ago?] "Oh no. Quite recently." All said in a very matter of fact way. That's gone into my notebook of interesting anecdotes along with details of 'mum's little foibles':):)



Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
Co Durham
This is a very useful site which covers a lot of different topics as far as careing is concerned.

I do think it is worth looking at.

Best Wishes