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Registered User
Jan 1, 2007
Newcastle upon Tyne
My Dad was prescriped antipsychotics about 5 weeks ago having very suddenly developed aggressive behaviour at his care home. He immediately calmed down and at the 6 week review meeting with the care home staff and social worker last week I was told this would be kept under review and the drugs would be gradually withdrawn if he stabilised.

I visited on Saturday and he was almost back to where he had been before he was prescribed the drugs. He was back in "escape" mode, didn't acknowledge me other than to demand for money for the bus fare home, and was really unpleasant - swearing etc, though not physically aggressive.

Are such ups and downs "normal"? Surely the whole point of the drugs is to make him more manageable - he certainly wasn't on Saturday. The care home are expecting me to take him out once a week - but there is no way I can do this when he is in this mood.

Any advice welcome.


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Dear Carolyn, so sorry about the change in your dad.

I would just wonder if he has an infection of some sort, as you say the new medication seemed to be quietening him down.

You could ask, maybe. As for taking your dad out, I wouldn't have thought it would be at all wise until he is stabilised.

Please let us know how things progress. Thinking of you,

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Carolyn,
I think the drugs have to be tried to see how they work, as they have different effects on different people.
It depends so much on the individual and nothing seems to be `normal` with dementia, although you will find there are many similarities.
I hope your father soon stabilizes.
take care xx


Registered User
Jan 1, 2007
Newcastle upon Tyne
Thanks - If he's the same at the weekend I'll suggest maybe they get the GP to look at him. He has been discharged by his social worker following the review meeting, and has been transferred to a GP that covers the care home. I don't feel as if I have a point of contact now - the last time there was a problem the social worker sorted it out.

It's so hard to know whether the marked deterioration that so many of you talk about once parents etc go into a care home is due to the very fact that they have gone into a home - or would it have happened anyway? My Dad's focus is once more on escaping, and in some ways you would have to say that is a rational reaction to his situation (i.e. effective "imprisonment"), which makes my feelings of guilt at putting him in there all the stronger.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
I feel very strongly that some amount of deterioration that becomes obvious after a move to a care home is not so much something that is new, as something that has existed but has been masked by the person's familiarity with their home environment. People, even those with dementia, can be quite adept at masking problems on their home turf, but when they're somewhere else they are at a loss.

I would second Connie's point - if this is a rapid (24 or 48 hour) change i would definitely be looking to see if there was some infection. Also, and I wouldn't like to think it is this, but sometimes there are hiccups, you might want to check that his medication is being given as and when prescribed.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2008
I would definitely agree with the last post. I think that while people with dementia are in their own homes, it is relatively easy for them to present a relatively "normal" facade to the outside world because everything is so familiar to them.

I was reading on a different post about people's fear of dealing with new technology and I think that this relates to this situation also. If people with dementia are placed in unfamiliar environments and are faced with trying to cope, they cannot do so and their inadequacies are far more apparent.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2008
West Yorkshire

I think you have received some extremely good advice on this thread. My experience of 'Dad on anti-psychotics' has definately had its ups and downs. Most recently my fathers meds have been wtihdrawn due to life threantening side effects (he is ultra sensitive to them) He too has exhibited aggressive behaviour towards staff and patients, but not towards me yet thank goodness. Very horrible for everyone to deal with. Just today, i received some information which backs up Connie's point completely. He has become less aggressive, they believe, because he is not constipated anymore!!! He has also had similar experiences when he has become unwell with infections etc. Even in the days of modern medicine it is possible to go back to basics!
As for deteriorating because they are in a home, my experience is that dementia sufferers decline wherever they are eventually. Its sadly inevitable.
I hope your Dad feels better soon
kind regards hendy


Registered User
Feb 20, 2008
West Yorkshire

To add to your earlier point about Dad escaping. You're completely right this is a 'rational' reaction to losing your freedom and indpendence. If your Dad's anything like mine in this regard I wouldn't expect anything different he's not going anywhere without putting up resistance!!He's always looking for a way out of the ward. To follow up similar threads - if I were told I had dementia I wouldn't want to accept it either. I am proud of my dad for this!! Its part of his true personality coming through.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2008
Auckland New Zealand
antiphsychotic drugs for dementia patients

hi there, my dad who is 82 is in early stages of alzheimers, i believe contributed by two TIA (minor strokes) last year. It's amazing how quickly he has deteriated - especially his aggressive moods, his paranoia (MY Mum's having affairs and is now a Lesbian!@!)and his weepiness.
he has recently started taking seroquel(quetapel) seen a slight change in last two days. - but read up on this drug - alarmed that it is not recommended to dementia patients. with alarming increase in elderly deaths. in my opinion he's still got a lot of living to do (still with quality of life)at this stage. sounds scary, anybody have information on this. thanks for listening: