Aqua Aerobics - trying new things!


Registered User
Apr 22, 2010
Upton Northamptonshire
Today was my second attempt at AA (Aqua Aerobics not
Alcoholics Anonymous) I was late into the pool as I struggled
with getting my hat on and putting my stuff in the locker. Just got sorted and remembered I had still got my glasses on so had to go back and fiddle with the locker and the £1 coin again.
At least this time I didn’t have to go through the indignity of saying that my wrist band for the locker was ‘as uncomfortable as a cannula’ only to have it pointed out to me that the key folds in on itself. Problem solved!
Rumour has it I have lost 8stone! No folks it is 6 actually.
My short term memory problem meant if I turned my back on thewoman instructor I
had no idea what I was meant to be doing
Chatting to the receptionist afterwards she said ‘surely you weren’t at the back!’
She pointed out that if I went into the middle I could watch what the others were
When the instructor mentioned noodles it made me excited at the thought of getting some but the large foam object she handed out bore no resemblance to my image. My noodle took on a life of its own and at one point got between my legs and it was a tussle to redirect it to where it was meant to be.
When she mentioned the exercise was good for our core I wanted an apple.
I moved from my original position in the pool next to myfriend Rose as she is about a foot shorter than me and sheneeded to be in the shallow end in order to keep her feet on the floor of the pool I did find it easier going in a bit deeper!
I gasped when the lady next to suddenly said ‘oh well that the warm up done’ and
we had been prancing vigorously about in the water for half an hour.
When Victoris wood lookalike said kick your buttocks I don’t
think she meant the lady next to me was meant to kick my bum!
A malteaser rolled into my cubicle and I was so hungry I nearly ate it
When I came out from AA (Aqua Aerobics not Alcoholics
Anonymous) having somehow wet the crotch of my trousers in thechanging room I then ended up in Tesco’s buying some pantyliners and wondered whether I needed to justify myself to thecashier.
I had to go back to the incontinence section to retrieve mycopy of the Times which I had inadvertently left next to a packet of Tena’s
And all the while I was in the water I kept remembering
Victoria wood and the fatitude sketch!
Can’t wait for next week!!!
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Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
Sarah....thank you....this has given me the biggest smile ever:D:D:D:D:D:D.....I'm so pleased you are going back next time.....and so proud that you have lost so much weight, well done you.x.x.


Registered User
Jan 27, 2016
Washington, DC USA
Amazing and fantastic writing!!! Bravo! What fun to read your post today! I know dementia is hard but you have us a humor that lifted its darkness. Thank you! Agreed-brilliant!


Registered User
Jan 11, 2014
Ontario canada made me really smile today! You need to write a would be very entertaining! Good for you, so glad you enjoyed the aqua and going back again next week...bravo!!!


Registered User
Sep 20, 2011
Thank you Sarah, for making me smile. Your humour is brilliant. :D