ABC program 'Catalyst'


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I had just started watching the ABC TV program 'Catalyst - Powering the Mind' which was really fascinating (and really worth checking out) when OH came in to watch it with me.

His response when it finished was "So what did you get out of that?"

I said that I thought that it had been very interesting but he just kept on saying that there was nothing wrong with his memory and he said it again and again and again and again and........................


Registered User
Mar 24, 2014
I wonder if he was a bit scared? Sounds like it. I reckon denial covers other feelings of fear in a sufferer. I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

My hubby has always been in total denial of his condition. Even now, with him being very confused, he still is. Perhaps it's better that way? For him, at least...


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Thanks for putting the link in for me nitram.

And I am sure OH has some fears about having Alzheimer's and I know he isn't dealing with it at all well. But it amused me a little at the time and it really highlighted some of the issues he is experiencing - the deterioration in short term memory and his confusion in understanding language.

I thought the program was very well done and worth looking at as its explanations are very clear and offer another speck of hope for AD sufferers.