A bad week end


Registered User
Apr 26, 2006
We have a caravan near home but in the countryside which hubby loves can not have a weeks hols because of shop need to pay the bills he loves to go every weekend this week end he wanted me to pinch an extra day as it is the holiday season and shop would be quite so he said i know his thinking but i have run our small floristry shops over the years one day off we cant meet bills
back track i love him to bits but find it so hard 24 - 7 each weekend in caravan its where he wants to be but the decline and i call it gobled e gough he talks is breaking my heart


Registered User
Jan 4, 2006
Hiya Bel,
Hang onto the good moments Bel.
Love Helen


Registered User
Apr 26, 2006
another bad weekend

i feel awful saying these things but i feel at times lately i am cracking up it is not hubbys fault he cant help it
i have just started having panic attacks i know its all the stress of everything but i am only human and all though i know he loves the caravan at weekends its destorying me i know i need a break before i crack up but he is not ill enough to go any where for a bit he wouldnt want to and i dont want it but i said to our daughter today --and she could see its hard dad cant help it etc she doesnt know what to say


Registered User
Mar 13, 2006
oh bel

i hope your ok? im not suprised your cracking up with everything youve been through, would your daughter take your hubby to the caravan for you to have a break? please take care of yourself
thinking of you x


Registered User
Apr 30, 2006
Hi Bel
I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling so low....it might be an idea to see your GP about yourself....You've been under so much pressure recently and I'm not surprised you're feeling so stressed out...
Is there anyone else who could take care of the shop for a couple of days so that you could get away?
Please take care


Registered User
Apr 26, 2006
another bad weekend

Thanks a million all
Speaking to you all then reading repiles does help i somtimes feel like i should cope and deal with it all better then weekends in caravan --but reading your replies it is ever likely i feel like i am cracking up as i have said before there is even more gone on and going on since hubby started being poorly
I HATE to admit it but i do know i need somthing to happen or i will crack and i dont say this lightly But we have never been apart fo 36 years it i know would break his heart big time if i suggested it and it would break my heart to be without him its not him its what this illness is doing to him
Our Son takes us to caravan on saturday daughter picks us up Monday morning as i said i explained a little to her this Monday of how i am finding it hard she said i know i find it hard just bringing dad back 30 mins drive she is a good girl she could not cope with her dad and i would not want her too
i do see my GP and am on anti depressants it is a bit of a no win stuation at the moment thank God for TP YOU never know when loft is down and sorted i might not be all doom and gloom and can come on and help some one else
Love Bel x

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hi Bel

Isn`t it hard to meet the demands made on you.

My husband now follows me around the house asking when I will finish a job or how long will I be. He needs constant company because he is unable to occupy himself and needs me to suggest things all the time.

He asks me `What are tomarrows plans?` or `What are we having for tea?`over and over again and sometimes I just wish he`d give me a bit of space.

This evening, I phoned a friend whose husband died last February. He`d had cancer for 18 months. She is so lonely. She is trying to sort out some voluntary work ro give her something to do, some company, and a reason to get up in the morning. I felt so guilty for my impatience. If I were alone, I`d have plenty of time to get my jobs done and plenty of space.

Keep your chin up. We can only support each other. Love Grannie G


Registered User
Oct 28, 2005
Cambridgeshire UK

My husband started to cry and said he was frightened all of a sudden about two weeks ago and it got worse and worse until he was constantly crying. This just came on so quickly. The doctor put him on Diazepam and after two days on it he was worse so he was put on Haloperidol on Friday last week. He was to take one twice a day. By Friday night he had been crying all day and was saying that batteries were talking to him and the kitchen units too. He was so frightened. Luckily my friend and neighbour is a psychiatric nurse and I called her over. She rang the doctor and he said give him 3 Haloperidol three times a day so now he's on 9 a day amongst many other drugs for his rheumatoid arthritis and alzheimer's (28 tablets a day altogether) and now, today, he's happy and quite giggly about things that just aren't funny to anyone else but him and he's confused but this is so much better than the crying. He does follow me around from room to room and I'm waiting now for Crossroads to get in touch and a lady from the Early Onset Team. I can't believe how quickly this happened.


Tender Face

Account Closed
Mar 14, 2006
NW England

Hi Bel, you know for many years, for different reasons, I have wondered why 'weekends' can be so much worse than whatever 'we' endure through the week..... for those of us who go out to work or have kids at school, maybe the rigid structure of Mon-Fri helps to focus.... or not focus... if you know what I mean...

I also think there is terrible pressure on people to 'have a good weekend' .... I hear some saying that to each other (and me) on a Friday afternoon and wonder - knowing what difficult circumstances some are going home to - if they, like me, somehow can't wait to get back on Monday morning .... to be greeted with 'Did you have a good weekend?'.....:(

Love, Karen (TF), x


Registered User
Mar 13, 2006
hello twink,

just the opposite has happened to my mum she has been very depressed and morbid of late also scared, and her doctors have taken her off haloperidol and procyclidine and put her on prozac, it hasnt been a week yet so theres not much change, i hope you get better results than we did.
take care


Registered User
Oct 28, 2005
Cambridgeshire UK
Hi Donna,

Isn't t strange. People react differently to drugs. Steve was very scared, kept on saying how scared he was but since the haloperidol kicked in he's a different person. Wonder how long that will last. As the GP said give him one twice a day and ten when he was so bad the locum said three three times a day, I wonder if I should ring the GP and ask if he can have them cut down a bit. He's never been on Prozac - it's me who's on that! - but he is also on Citalopram and Amitriptyline. Seems to be on an awful lot of drugs, 28 a day. They are for his rheumatoid arthritis as well. It was just unbelieveable how he went like this so quickly. I've never known anyone with alzheimer's before though so maybe it wasn't strange.

He's up now and waiting for me to get his clean clothes out and getting impatient. Another day!!!!!

Love Sue x


Registered User
Apr 26, 2006
Yet another bad weekend

I am sorry i am starting to sound like a broken record
because he he gets frustrated with talking ability and trying to still do little jobs he takes it out on me i understand but it does not stop it hurting he always says sorry and we talk about it afterwards as i say to him it is not your fault
I hate to say this but i like others feel guilty i should rise above it but i cant ALWAYS do it
I am going to see my GP tomorrow if i can get in panic attacks etc also phone sopport worker i cant carry on like this
I know i am a pain and as bad as i feel you all have kept me going this last wee while thanks a million
Love Bel x


Registered User
Apr 30, 2006
Hiya Bel
You're certainly not a pain and don't even think that!!!
Its really hard to turn the emotions on and off isn't it?And its hard to rise above it all the time....I think we'd all be saints if we could!!!
You sound totally drained....good idea going to see your Gp and see what the support worker can offer
Chin up Bel!!
Tomorrow's another day
Love and hugs


Registered User
Jan 4, 2006
Hiya Bel,
Just wanted to send a <<<HUG>>>. You know we are here for you - anytime.
Love Helen


Registered User
Apr 26, 2006
The broken record is back again

Thanks all for being there
Had to go to doctors any way yesterday so much pain in my chest and lungs just to breath it was killing me doctor said i have a virus and Plurice plenty of rest and pain killers came back had to do my work sitting down which is hard soon as i finished i closesd shop lay on sette till 10-30 hubby bless him was trying to sort a bit out in loft i was worried for him but was in so much pain could not move he did not do much thank God and i had to ask him to do somthing for us to eat it was only simple as i know how confused he gets but it upset him all night
I am a bit better today
managed to do the work in shop funerals etc hubby helped so i can keep an eye on him closed early
i did simple tea and it did not stress him so much he loves me to bits as i do him but he is not up to coping 24-7 on his own if i cant move with the pain of plurice --he cant cope and i understand its not him its this ---illness but overall he is and does not want retbite
I am not making much sence but greatly appreciate you all being there
Love BEL X


Registered User
Dec 22, 2005
oh bel i had plursey in feb i was so ill while at work i call in to the hosptal were i had a xray was given tabs for pain and antyboctoc it was so bad i was in bed for 4 days john was not as affected then he made me cups tea did his best please ask the children to help uou uou need rest and care or u will end up in hosptal yourself please rest take care :mad:


Registered User
Apr 30, 2006
Hi Bel
how are you feeling today?...Are the tablets starting to "kick in"....hope you're managing to get some rest:confused: !!