10,000 word project on younger people with dementia


Registered User
Apr 27, 2005
Leeds, UK
I am currently on my 2nd year of a BTEC diploma in Care at college. I am currently doing a 10,000 word presentation on younger people with dementia. I also volunteer in a day centre for people under 65 years old with dementia and have learnt so much from there. I was wondering if any carers of people with dementia or anyone suffering from dementia theirself would be willing to help me with my project by filling a questionaire in for me. Thank you x x x
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Registered User
Apr 27, 2005
Leeds, UK
thank you x

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's offered to help me with my project. I shall by devising my questionaire and sending it out to you all by the end of the week. Thank you again x