Muscle Wasting re Frontotemporal Dementia anyone else experienced this


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014

I am looking for experience, or opinions from anybody who has seen or is dealing with muscle wasting and weight loss as part of Frontotemporal Dementia. My hubby was diagnosed in Feb this year with Vascular Dementia. However, yesterday we were told by another professional that they disagree with this diagnosis. The Doctor was so concerned over husbands muscle waste, that he has arranged form him to go into hospital for tests and mentioned hubby probably has frontotemporal Dementia. Has anybody on here experienced this with the person they care for? I have read and reread as much info as I can on the above, but still cant understand why there should be so much muscle wasting. He is looking so frail and sleeps most of the time now. He is 74 yrs of age, and I first noticed something was amiss with him 5/6 years ago.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2010
I'm not sure my experience will help but some of my experiences may be the same as yours.
My husband was diagnosed with FTD when he was 73 and after the initial year or two of confusion, memory loss etc, he started to sleep a lot, more so in the day unfortunately, as he wandered around the house a lot during the nights. As the illness progressed he did sleep more and more and even when awake didnt seem to want open his eyes. He lost a lot of weight, but I cant say he lost muscle as when he wanted to be he could be very strong so I cant help you there.

If you want to ask any questions at all about FTD please ask me or need any help with this horrirble form of dementia.
