Sitting with father now


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
We are both still here, but father can't manage any liquids, thickened or otherwise without great pain and distress so no one is going to try any more.

I am not sure I am mentally or physically strong enough to stay through the night, but we will take it one step at a time.

Poor pa.


Poor Pa but Poor your too. You are so strong to put what you know your dad needs first to let him be peaceful. If he is in pain then I really think a doctor should be called in for morphine or whatever they recommend. When my Dad was dying and in pain, the doctors knew the morphine could hasten his death, may be by hours, may be by days, but it would be without pain.

They took the decisions for us in those days back in the 70s and I know treatments have improved so much. I'd be wanting him to be pain free and relaxed and asking doctors to sort that out. But if I was where you are now, I'd just be in pieces.

1970's or 2013, your heart breaks just the same. May I send you a virtual hug.xx


Registered User
Apr 10, 2013
Thank you. It really does help.

He has a morphine patch. It is just the swallowing that causes him pain with coughing, and there is no point in continuing with it now. His care here has been brilliant. I can't believe it has been only 5 months since he came here.
Calm otherwise mostly. I am just wittering on about happy stuff in the hope that he can hear.

Just wittering on



Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
Thank you. It really does help.

He has a morphine patch. It is just the swallowing that causes him pain with coughing, and there is no point in continuing with it now. His care here has been brilliant. I can't believe it has been only 5 months since he came here.
Calm otherwise mostly. I am just wittering on about happy stuff in the hope that he can hear.

Just wittering on


Keep the happy stuff going, the trivia, the special childhood memories and just know that people do feel for you. I have a lump in my throat with memories going on for 36 years ago.

We're with you in spirit and people here, definitely me, do understand.


Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Thank you. It really does help.

He has a morphine patch. It is just the swallowing that causes him pain with coughing, and there is no point in continuing with it now. His care here has been brilliant. I can't believe it has been only 5 months since he came here.
Calm otherwise mostly. I am just wittering on about happy stuff in the hope that he can hear.

Just wittering on


Lizzy, I too was where you are, with my dad in July, and lost him in August. I also spent every day by his side for 7 weeks and it's the most precious but agonising time of my life. He stopped eating and then stopped drinking, but could speak until his last day.

Take heart, witter on, I did that too, or just sat and held his hand or stroked his brow in the quiet while he slept.

I wish you much strength and for the peace to continue. This will be the time which you will look back on with tenderness one day. You're a loving and courageous daughter, your dad must feel such comfort, this is a beautiful gift to give him.

Stephanie, xxx


Registered User
Apr 10, 2013
My darling father finally left me just after six this morning.

I found the strength and courage to be with him to the end and I am incredibly grateful for all the support I have received from TP.

On this beautiful and peaceful morning may I wish you all the very best day possible.

Lizzie x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Aw Lizzie I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. I'm glad you were with him at the end. I wish you much strength for the days and weeks to come. x


Registered User
Feb 4, 2011
Dear Lizzie, how brave you have been and how glad you will be, that you stayed with your father as much as you could, these last weeks or so. I'm so glad that he "came back" to you. It sounds like your father's death was filled with love and peaceful. Sadly, it doesn't seem to happen all the time, but for those of us fortunate to witness it, it's a wonderful, humbling experience. Take care. Hx


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
I'm so sorry I'm wishing you strength to get through what lies ahead, your Dad's battles are now over and he's at peace.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello Lizzie, I'm sorry to read that your dad has died. My sincere condolences.



Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Just hold him, you will never be sorry that you did. My dear Dad died in November after 10 long years of suffering just hours before, he stroked my little girl's hair and smiled at her for the first time in 6 months, we held him till the end and are so glad we did.

sending much love your way x


Registered User
May 13, 2013
Ah lizzie
Just read your post, so sorry for your loss, glad you were with him in the end. Sending you strength for the tough days ahead X