Funeral went o.k


Registered User
Aug 21, 2010
Hi all,
Steves funeral went as well as any can go. My sister got really upset at the end of the service but i am not surprised,cannot begin to imagine what she felt or is still feeling. There was about 80 people there which was great for her. I just kept seeing Bryans coffin and re-living his funeral. I am so pleased Debbie was next to me and the rest of my family including Spencer were in front. I stayed with my sister that night as she did not want to be on her own. My neice did not want or feel the need to be with her mum!
I have been full of cold this last 2 days, i am so pleased it was not last week. Hope i feel better tomorrow as i am hoping to spend the day with my sister thursday. She is trying to get back to normal which is good, but i think she will need a lot of support for a while yet.
My brother did not speak to me much at the funeral but did say he would ring me on friday but didnt. He is now on a cruise with friends until sunday. A bit of support from him would be nice. He lives on the Isle of Wight and my neice does not really seem to care too much about her mum so i am left to give her support. I do not mind atall but it would be nice to have a text or phone call to see how i am coping etc.
Sorry for the moan - my cold getting to me!
Love and hugs Muriel xx:confused:


Registered User
Jan 29, 2013
South Wales
You are a great support to your sister - she must feel comforted that you are by her side. As for other people they have to live with their actions - there's nowt as queer as folk! I'm sorry for your loss x


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
Melbourne, Australia
A month is such a long time to wait for a funeral. I did the AV at a twenty-three year old's funeral once, and it was three weeks after the lad died. Don't know what I expected (fool!), but the rawness and intensity of the poor mother's grief hadn't abated into saddened acceptance one bit. It's very possible your brother feels that enough time has elapsed for getting on with other things....your neice has her own grief to survive, but it's such a pity she can't include her mother more as she finds her way.

There really are no rules for grieving, but I do feel for your sister and for you. Having helped with many funerals in my parish, it is the parents who never leave my heart. Stunned or primal in their grief, losing their child inflicts an agony I fear above all else.

Bless you for looking after your sister when she's at her lowest ebb and the sheer goodness of being pleased your cold wasn't last week makes me smile. Hope you're feeling better soon,
Toni x


Registered User
Aug 21, 2010
Hi all,
Thanks for yourkind words all of you. My neice and nephew never did get on. So i do not think she is greiving for his parting. They were both adopted so not blood relations.I think it is more likely to be feeling guilty !
Thank goodness my cold seems to have dried up - too quickly i think! so i will be seeing my sister tomorrow.
Love and hugs Muriel xx:confused::confused:

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