I was feeling so down


Registered User
Mar 19, 2015
I was feeling so down, unable to face another day, week or month of this. Wondered what was the point and that my life wasn't worth living. Then I read some of the posts on here and realised again that so many of you are dealing with so much more than I am and as my OH is still half here I should treasure the good bits and try to ignore the bad bits. So I gave myself a good talking to. It's just that when ever I am happy about something something happens to send me crashing down again, almost as if I am not allowed to be happy. I know I sound sorry for myself, and I am sorry to winge but this is the only place I know where I can say what is going on in my head.

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
Don't worry about whinging and don't be sorry Jean. My last post was titled "it's the little things" as often that's what happens to me. A lot of little niggles, like missing out on a day out on a sunny day because your lovely friend's dementia is suddenly going through a rougher period and she is too tired. You can't be that couple anymore doing the things which you enjoyed, and sometimes endured, together once. I am whinging a bit now.
But, how people cope with the really difficult stuff does impress me.
All the best to you and your OH, I hope there are still plenty of good days to be enjoyed together.


Registered User
Feb 7, 2015
West Midlands
Hello Jean
Yes I feel much as you do. My lovely husband has Alzheimer's and some vascular dementia and had a small stroke 3 months ago but has recovered quite well from that. I think he is in mid stage and I do pretty much everything for him which is tiring but others have 100 times worse. My OH is mostly happy, smiley and virtually always cooperative but I still feel mardy most mornings then pick up a bit during the day then get down again at night and sleep poorly. I really try but its hard. We are only human and dealing with something that most doctors don't seem to understand, that is unique to each person, that controls our lives. Take care and try and get time for yourself. Its a long road. Best wishes and hugs xx


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
I was feeling so down, unable to face another day, week or month of this. Wondered what was the point and that my life wasn't worth living. Then I read some of the posts on here and realised again that so many of you are dealing with so much more than I am and as my OH is still half here I should treasure the good bits and try to ignore the bad bits. So I gave myself a good talking to. It's just that when ever I am happy about something something happens to send me crashing down again, almost as if I am not allowed to be happy. I know I sound sorry for myself, and I am sorry to winge but this is the only place I know where I can say what is going on in my head.

Please don't apologise, and it's not having a whinge, it's telling it how it is. And why shouldn't carers feel sorry for themselves? Heavens knows, I could cheerfully have strangled people who told me of their holiday plans, adding "we need a break" or "we owe it to ourselves - didn't the think I needed one too?

I used to drown in self pity, when the most exciting thing in my life was when the grocery shopping was delivered, and I could have a brief conversation with the delivery driver, as to where to leave the shopping and whether it was warm, for the time of the year, or not. I welcomed cold callers on the phone. :eek:

No, definitely not a whinge, Sweetie, and I'm sending a huge cyber bottle of your favourite tipple, and chocolate of course. :D


Registered User
Aug 28, 2014
Offload all you like. This is a safe place where you can be yourself and we will all understand. Somedays life just stinks. The small things can also lift you if you let it. A nice cup 8f tea that hits the spot is one of mine. Keep posting. We will listen.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It`s why our lives are often referred to as being on a rollercoaster, the good times have to be grabbed with both hands before we are on the downwards slide again.

It`s only here, among people who know, where we can expect to be understood.

Lilac Blossom

Registered User
Oct 6, 2014
No need to apologise Jean - TP is the perfect place to find others who understand.

It makes my day when I have shopping delivered so I have brief conversation with another human (like Scarlett said). Yesterday postie asked me to take parcel in for a neighbour so that meant two conversations ! - postie and neighbour when he called for his parcel :)

Just sending a wee hug x


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
No need to apologise Jean - TP is the perfect place to find others who understand.

It makes my day when I have shopping delivered so I have brief conversation with another human (like Scarlett said). Yesterday postie asked me to take parcel in for a neighbour so that meant two conversations ! - postie and neighbour when he called for his parcel :)

Just sending a wee hug x

Blimey - you know how to live life in the fast lane, don't you! :D


Registered User
Mar 19, 2015
Thank you everyone.

I was feeling so down, unable to face another day, week or month of this. Wondered what was the point and that my life wasn't worth living. Then I read some of the posts on here and realised again that so many of you are dealing with so much more than I am and as my OH is still half here I should treasure the good bits and try to ignore the bad bits. So I gave myself a good talking to. It's just that when ever I am happy about something something happens to send me crashing down again, almost as if I am not allowed to be happy. I know I sound sorry for myself, and I am sorry to winge but this is the only place I know where I can say what is going on in my head.

Thank you everyone, as usual you've picked me up again. Big hugs to all.

Willow Tree

Registered User
Jul 6, 2016
Blimey - you know how to live life in the fast lane, don't you! :D

Thank you all for the nice laugh today.

And hugs to Jean. The days they come, they go, they're good, they're bad, aren't they? But aren't we lucky to have found friends such as these? So blessed.

Scarlett & Lilac Blossom, you made me laugh & started an Eagles song running in my head.

You also made me think we're all like Robinson Crusoe, aren't we? So glad to find a Friday, even if it's just the mailman for a sentence and a half : )

P.S. Needed to edit to add in an important bit: I was shunned all day yesterday, because I nicely asked if the volume on the computer could be turned down a bit. Oops, when will I EVER learn?? Hoping today, I'm worthy of being spoken to, but we'll have to see once he gets up : )


Registered User
Sep 3, 2013
You are all such lovely people and make me smile. It always helps to know that we are all in the same situation be it in all sorts of different ways. None of us can change what has happened to our partner, but to be able to talk on here helps to get through each day. Hope today will be good for us all.xxx