Dad is slipping away so fast


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
It's been so long since I've posted on here. Short recap from September to the beginning of January I was bringing dad food twice a day, cleaning the house, shopping etc.
In January he went into the hospital with pneumonia and a uti. When he was discharged my boys and I moved in with him. He was way too unsteady to walk unassisted, using the washroom. Basically he couldn't do anything except eat on his own. From January through the end of March we had 2 more hospital stays for pneumonia. I came to the realization that I could not physically take care of him on my own while trying to care for my 3 young boys. So I did alot of research and decided he was better off in assisted living. There were falls etc.

So the end of March when he was discharged he went to a memory care assisted living. Since then he's declining so fast, he wears depends now, mood swings like a light switch. Fine one minute the next crying. Well the other week we called 911 as he had a fever, shallow breathing, stats were all over the place.
6 days in the hospital for pneumonia. So many tests scans,xrays, cultures. Well they did a swallow study and it turns out he has a very rare disorder. It took the dr 5 different Dr's to find anyone that had even HEARD of Killian-Jamieson Diverticulum.
It's basically an out pouch in the throat and very large. So food and fluids are being asperated into his lungs. Causing reoccurring pneumonia. The surgery is major and very risky, so I'm not going to pursue it.
I was told he probably has 3 to 6 months left and pneumonia will be what takes his life.
I feel like the worst daughter in the world, since he got back to the home I've only been twice. I can't stand to look at him in this horrible state and know time is limited. All I do is think about the impending doom that will be here all to fast. I cry multiple times a day. All I keep thinking is next year I will be 40 with no parents. It's killing me.

It's so hard to see such an strong independent man, so frail, so lost. I'm not sure how to deal with this.

Apologies if there are errors as I'm on my phone.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2014
Hello bear , please don't feel guilty for not visiting your dad . You are struggling just now . It sounds like you have tried your best . It couldn't have been easy looking after him . This disease knows no boundaries or compassion . It only wants to destroy and unfortunately we are all victims to some extent . You are absolutely right not to pursue the surgery , he is best to be kept comfortable . He will be cared for , so be gentle with yourself . Best wishes to you and your dad . Lou


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
(((hugs)))) Bear. Dont worry about what you "should and "shouldnt" do. Just do what you can
I also think you have made the right decision about surgery


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
Louby, thank you for your kind words. It hurts so much to see him this bad. And he cries when I leave and it kills me. He's so frail.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
(((hugs)))) Bear. Dont worry about what you "should and "shouldnt" do. Just do what you can
I also think you have made the right decision about surgery
Thank you for the hugs canary.
I want to see him but I don't all at the same time. To see a man that was so independent and driven. And is now not able to complete a sentence on his own.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
USA have my sympathy......and ((((hugs)))). Nothing i can offer will really make it feel better....but I' m thinking of you.x.x
Thank you Craigmaid, I'm sitting here in tears as I type this. I did go see him today. I just want the suffering to end.


Registered User
May 4, 2016
Hello Bear,

My heart hurts for you and what you are going through. I just moved my mom to memory care assisted living as well.

You are a wonderful, caring daughter! It sounds like You have done all you can for your dad! And, that he is in a good place, that his needs are being met and that he is being cared for. Like you, I find it difficult to witness such fast decline in a human being who was once so brilliant. I, too, have cried a river and the tears still come.

There is no "pat" answer for any of us affected by this horrible disease!!!! It is what it is and it does what it does. It is a destroyer. It steals life.

Just know that there are people here on this forum who are walking exactly where you are walking OR who have walked that walk and come out the other side. Either way, it's a hard journey.

You are NOT alone! Keep us updated. You can vent here safely and at any time!

Am praying for you and your dad right now. Peace be with you and mercy for your dad! Sending a big hug to you!!!



Registered User
Mar 26, 2014
Hello bear , How are you and your dad? Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of the two of you as you go through this difficult time . Best wishes , Lou


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
Hello Bear,

My heart hurts for you and what you are going through. I just moved my mom to memory care assisted living as well.

You are a wonderful, caring daughter! It sounds like You have done all you can for your dad! And, that he is in a good place, that his needs are being met and that he is being cared for. Like you, I find it difficult to witness such fast decline in a human being who was once so brilliant. I, too, have cried a river and the tears still come.

There is no "pat" answer for any of us affected by this horrible disease!!!! It is what it is and it does what it does. It is a destroyer. It steals life.

Just know that there are people here on this forum who are walking exactly where you are walking OR who have walked that walk and come out the other side. Either way, it's a hard journey.

You are NOT alone! Keep us updated. You can vent here safely and at any time!

Am praying for you and your dad right now. Peace be with you and mercy for your dad! Sending a big hug to you!!!


Thank you for lending me a shoulder to cry on. This is the worst disease ever, the pain of watching a loved one slip away. To see them not able to even finish a sentence is so gut wrenching. I've been to see him 3 times this week and I will be going again today. I got a call that he fell again. No injuries but we all know the constant pneumonia and falls are not a good sign.


Registered User
Sep 28, 2015
Hello bear , How are you and your dad? Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of the two of you as you go through this difficult time . Best wishes , Lou
Hello louby,
I appreciate your thoughts as I need all the support I can get at this point.

It's nice to have other people that understand this horrible disease and the pain that comes with it.
Dad had another fall. He's okay but he's so weak now walking is a major struggle now. I'm going to see him in a couple of hours. I procrastinate going as I hate seeing him so weak and he cries when I leave.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2014
Hello Bear . I hope your dad was more settled today ? It must be awful to see him getting weaker . I'm sending you a virtual hug cos I think you might need one ({}) . Please remember to look after yourself too . Lou X