Hearing Thing That Aren't Real


Registered User
Jan 26, 2016
For at least 4 to 6 months, I've been having this strange thing happening. I hear what sound like singing, talking, or conversation taking place somewhere outside the room I'm in. I sometimes go to another room to see what it is, find nothing, return to what I was doing, and I keep hearing it. It is usually something that sounds like singing, but it can also be some type mechanical type sound. I frequently go around and turn off anything that might be producing sound, and it stops. I usually can determine the exact source of the sound, but the sound is not the sound that I'm hearing, even though the sound I'm hearing stops when I turn the item off. It isn't bothersome or scary or anything, not threatening. I'm not hearing voices telling me to do anything. It isn't inside my head, but I'm actually hearing something that is making a sound, only I'm hearing a totally different sound...like someone singing a song with words when the sound is actually coming from the heating system or something. I've never had this before. It doesn't happen every day, but mostly every day, and sometime numerous time throughout the day. It is really weird. Is there any way this might be related to Alz, or is just something I should ignore and forget about. Just wondering. And by the way I'm not going crazy and I'm not stressed out when this happens and it is not upsetting. But it is odd enough that it gets my attention right away. Thanks. Oh, this isn't tinnitus or anything like that. I also sometimes think I see things out of the side of my vision that turn out not to be there, but I don't think that is much of a deal. Thanks.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2013
Don't ignore it at all. Get an appointment with your GP and describe your symptoms. He can sort this out and you won't have the worry you have now. Take care. x


Registered User
Jan 19, 2011
North East England
I wonder if the noises that are being made sound like something else, and you're interpreting them wrongly, and so they sound like singing, or whatever other noise you think you're hearing?

I don't think I've explained that very well :(

An example from my own experience: I once noticed that the noise our printer makes, sounds to me a little like someone saying the name 'Jolene' over and over, in a rhythmic way ('Joh-leen, Joh-leen, Joh-leen'). Once I made that connection, that's what I hear every time I print something. My husband doesn't hear that at all, and thinks I'm daft. But I swear that's what I hear.

I don't know whether this is helpful or not!


Registered User
Jan 11, 2016
Northeast Lower Michigan, USA
From time to time I see movement in the corners of rooms or hear banging and sometimes music. I've gotten used to those things and I'm grateful that I have enough of a brain processor left to distinguish between real and unreal. I'm glad you have someone with you. I live alone with only my cat as a witness--and she assures me that all is well.

Hi Bill...I posted the above in another part of the forum the other day. I don't even think of them as 'events' anymore. These episodes don't last long and they don't happen every day. I think that if they begin to be an everyday occurrence, lasting for a long time at a stretch or not letting up at all, I'll see my doc about it. So far I know that they are benign happenings related directly to my faulty processor. (Actually the singing and music isn't too bad...classical and something like Gregorian chanting. I kinda like it.

When the banging and knocking happen I check my cat..she's always just lying there sleeping--since she's not jumping out of her skin, I know it's just me... once I really start to pay attention to it, it goes away.

Peace and that in abundance to us all..LoisJean