How can I even....


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Why on earth I didn't think of it before I will never know, hope it works next time SL.

You didn't think of it before, because we cannot think of everything! There are no rights and wrongs with any of this horrible illness, and what works for one, doesn't always work for another.

I do hope you find the right pattern, and that everything works out for you. :)

Silver Lining

Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
Not good......

OH not good at the moment, I hope it will pass, suddenly hardly eating, hardly drinking, just holding essential life-dependent tablets in his mouth. Awaiting comments from CMHT, he has lost nearly 10kgs in weight since end of May. Mentally all over the place. Still mobile but very tired.

Vit B12 borderline so blood test being done, all other blood tests inconclusive.

Please tell me someone this is a "phase" and he might improve.

Silver Lining.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm so sorry to read your news SL. I do hope it is a phase. Wishing you strength.

Silver Lining

Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
I'm so sorry to read your news SL. I do hope it is a phase. Wishing you strength.

Have just phoned Care Home, OH displaying bizarre behaviour this evening, vacant episodes, throwing things about, unbelievable, then cowering in the corner saying "they are coming to get us". Sitting here feeling a bit shell shocked, where will it all end, how much longer will they be able to care for him and what then?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I hope it is a phase SL or if not there will be some medication to make life calmer for your OH. It does make me wonder how he is feeling, he sounds so frightened.

Silver Lining

Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
I hope it is a phase SL or if not there will be some medication to make life calmer for your OH. It does make me wonder how he is feeling, he sounds so frightened.

I will be going in to see him tomorrow, I just want to bring him home, but I know that it is not realistic, the Home are struggling, but it makes me wonder would he be any better at home, my "head" tells me he wouldn't but my heart tells me to wrap him up in a big blanket on the sofa with a cup of tea. SL


Registered User
Mar 13, 2014
It must be so hard but you have to think that if the CH is struggling how on earth would you cope alone. He's in the best place and hopefully it is just a phase. Presumably they're on top of checking for infections, UTIs and the like. Big hug.

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Silver Lining

Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
At Last - Hope its not too late


I was wondering what would happen if when you were ready to leave you didn't tell your hubby that you were leaving. Maybe you could just be popping to the ladies, or to the office or any other reason. Could the carers then distract him maybe with lunch or dinner? Would it be worth trying, or would it be the same because you were moving out of his sight? I know its not entirely honest, but if it caused him less distress...

John extremely ill in hospital, after weeks of concerns by us to the medical profession.

They have found he has an extremely high level of Thyroxine in his body, the highest they have ever experienced, coupled with his other medical illness and AD.

I just hope its not too late. SL


Registered User
Mar 13, 2014
So sorry to read about your husband, SL, do hope the hospital can help him. Big hug.

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Registered User
Oct 18, 2013
British Isles
So sorry to hear that he is so ill. Hoping that the hospital is able to stabilise him quickly, and that the staff are aware of his needs.

Such a worrying time for you, hope things improve soon.

Silver Lining

Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
So very ill

I am sorry to hear your news SL. Hoping he is stabalised soon

Thank you everyone for your kind posts, John so very poorly today, Hospital still trying to stabilise him, very slight improvement this afternoon with Drs trying to rehydrate him at a fast pace. At least he knew I was there later this afternoon, I left when he was sleeping. SL ( Carole )


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
Hi Carole-I hope you managed to get some sleep after your post.

I'm so sorry that you and John are going through this worrying time but I'm sure that John was comforted by your visit. In the meantime I hope that you know we are all thinking of you.


Lyn T XX

Silver Lining

Registered User
Nov 20, 2013
Still no progress ........

John still very ill in hospital, no further forward, I cant bring myself to go into all the details, just to say his care in the Hospital is all I can wish for, just no progress, just how much can he cope with. SL.